Command to Stop or Restart Octoprint in Windows

Continuing the discussion from Setting up OctoPrint on Windows:

I successfully installed OctoPrint on Windows, following Gina's instructions and Python's 3.9.
I'm able to access the server and connect to the printer, everything good.
I installed then a plugin for Bed Leveling and I'm not able to see it in Octoprint in plugins.
I suppose I have to restart Octoprint in order to be able to see the plugin.
I'm wondering what is the procedure (or Command) that I can use (in Windows) to Stop or Restart Octoprint only?

In the top navbar, you should have some icons.

One is for the system:


These don't show up in windows installs by default. I personally created a batch file to kill octoprint and then start it back up, I create a batch file in the venv\Scripts folder named restart and then in OctoPrint's settings put in the full path to that bat file.

@if octoprint.==. (goto error) ELSE (goto restart)

@taskkill /f /im octoprint.exe >nul
@timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul
@start octoprint.exe serve >nul
@echo restart complete
@goto exit

@echo Oops... something went wrong!
@goto exit

@echo off
for /F "tokens=2" %%i in ('date /t') do set mydate=%%i
set mytime=%time%
@echo Completed at %mydate%:%mytime%

I have searched the entire internet for this. Thank you very much!

Do you have a shutdown .bat file code you could share?

This line should be the only thing necessary for shutting down.

I stumbled on this today and after hours of searching found that the solution is easier than everyone thinks.
jus to to octoprint/settings/server and enter the commands. This will make the icon show up!

These are Linux commands you have, this thread is called 'Command to Stop or Restart OctoPrint on Windows'.

best i can help with is this. works form powershell

taskkill /im octoprint.exe /f ; Start-Sleep -Seconds 10; & "C:\OctoPrint\venv\Scripts\octoprint.exe" 
PS C:\Users\valer> taskkill /im octoprint.exe /f ; Start-Sleep -Seconds 10; & "C:\OctoPrint\venv\Scripts\octoprint.exe"
SUCCESS: The process "octoprint.exe" with PID 8776 has been terminated.
Starting the server via "octoprint" is deprecated, please use "octoprint serve" from now on.
2024-01-18 19:50:40,786 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ******************************************************************************
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