Connection timeout

What is the problem?

OctoPrint does not finish its connection process, reporting a timeout and returning to the Offline mode.

What did you already try to solve it?

Re-boot the Pi running OctoPi/OctoPrint. Running OctoPrint in safe mode. Cycling power on the printer.

Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab, ...)

OctoPrint 1.13.10 running on OctoPi 0.15.0.

I uploaded new firmware to my Prusa MK3S yesterday. However, I've also used the printer several times since the firmware upload without issue. The problem did not raise its head until I powered the printer up and tried to connect this morning.

Serial log attached. I don't have a copy of a successful connection. What is OctoPrint waiting for?

serial.log (1.7 KB)

Resolved: I back out the firmware I loaded yesterday and all is well, again. I'm somewhat confused as to why I had an issue today as I successfully printed after the firmware upload, yesterday. The only difference I can think of is that the failure occurred after cycling power on the printer.

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What does he mean "I back out the firmware"?

I forget the actual Prusa firmware versions I was using. Pretend it was version X.1. So...

I was running version X.1
I loaded version X.2 and problems occurred.
I "backed out" of X.2 by reloading version X.1.

Does that answer your question?

I was wondering because I am having trouble connecting my Octoprint to printer, and someone said if they knew how to get an earlier version of Octoprint, they would maybe try that.

I'm currently running Octoprint 1.3.12 on OctoPi 0.15.0 and it talks to my MK3S running firmware 3.8.0.

Yea, I am running Octoprint 1.3.12 and Octopi 0.16.0 on a Anet A8. But doesn't want to connect to printer, , but shows it connected to dev/tty/USB0