Cura OctoPrint Connection plugin

I'm sorry, I don't speak enough french to diagnose what is going wrong from your message.

Your issue sounds similar to this one:

But that should have been fixed in version 3.5.17 of the plugin.

What is the problem?

I am a beginner in 3D printing and I had successfully integrated the Octoprint v1.4.2 plugin into CURA. Since updating CURA to version 4.8.0, I no longer find Octoprint available in the list of plugins offered. What can I do ?
Thanks for your advices

The cloud backend seems to have marked your account as an "Essentials" user.

Essentials users pay for the privilege to get fewer plugins available to them, under the guise of being more secure.

If you have not willingly subscribed to Ultimaker Essentials, could you let me know your Ultimaker account name, so I can tell the people that manage the Ultimaker accounts that they screwed up again and fix it for you?

As a workaround, you can log out of your account in Cura, then install the plugin, and if you wish you can log in again.

just as a feedback
cura 4.8 on debian - no issues

Couple of users have reported issues with registering/connecting to the API after upgrade to 1.5.0/1.5.1 using cura connection plugin version 3.5.17. Just curious if anyone else is seeing this and already have a fix?

I'm using Octoprint 1.4.2 (P3.7.3) with Cura 4.8 since few months and it works flawlessly.

I've tried Octoprint 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 from upgrade or from scratch and I can't connect Cura.
Octoprint is detected by plugin (wasn't with 1.4.8) but, even after several tries and API key renew, I get the same error message on Cura plugin's page : Octoprint is not available.

I've revert back to v1.4.2, waiting for the dust to settle.

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Did you use the hostname or the ip?

I've tried both.

BTW, v1.5.x autodetect seems to use IP.

There's a report here, which suggests increasing the timeout when testing the connection. The timeout has been 5 seconds since many months, and the "fix" sets that to 30 seconds.

Personally I think we should find the reason why it takes OctoPrint more than 5 seconds to respond since OctoPrint 1.5, rather than just keep waiting.

Thanks, I linked it over on the dev-core channel on discord. Charlie or Gina wil hopefully see it.

The "30 sec" fix works for me also.
Thanks all.

If OctoPrint 1.5 does indeed take longer to respond to API requests than previous versions, it would be great if this were reported on the OctoPrint issue queue, and if the users that "have this exact issue" could actively work with @foosel to get to the bottom of the issue. I can't reproduce it, so there's no use in me reporting it.

I'll be increasing the timeout to 20 seconds for now. You might be wondering why I'm not "just" set the timeout to 30 seconds and be done with it, or remove the timeout entirely. I put the timeout there for a reason; previous versions had no timeout, and people were waiting for minutes because the interface still said "waiting for OctoPrint to respond" while the request had already failed and would never return.

The plugin can make multiple requests every 2 seconds in normal use. If those requests take >10 seconds each to get a reply, then things are bound to get messy and result in unpredictable behavior. I thought the 5 seconds was being generous.

Please know that the timeout we are talking about here ONLY affects checking the API key in the "Connect to OctoPrint" dialog. Anything that happens outside that dialog can not be affected by that timeout. So if you see for example the "Waiting for OctoPrint to connect with printer" message, that has nothing to do with the timeout. It may have something to do with your OctoPrint instance taking unrealistically long to respond to API requests, but that cannot be fixed by changing this single timeout.

For the record, neither can I so far.

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Perhaps it has something to do with my installation.
My Orange Pi Zero has some wifi problems because of the poor support of the XR819 chip on Armbian.

I plan to upgrade to a NanoPi Neo Air in the very near future. A clean install of everything, better networks, etc.
I will revert back at 5 sec and report if timeout occur again.

In the Cura OctoPrint connection plugin, do you use an automatically discovered instance, or did you have to "Add" a manual instance. If you did, do you use an IP address, or a hostname?

On v1.4.2, I've added manually (hostname) as it was not discovered.
On v1.5.x, I've used both, ending up to autodetect. But with the 30s timeout, it works with hostname and IP.
I'm using dnsmasq on another computer to do DHCP and DNS on my network. Resolution was never an issue, even in v1.5.0.

[Request] Cura Preview sync with Octoprint Gcode Viewer. Would be cool but may be hard or impossible?

Hard to impossible. Apart from the issue that at most OctoPrint knows which line it has just sent, and not which gcode line is currently executed by the printer (there's at least one queue), the mostly impossible part is that Cura has no way of knowing if the data shown in the Preview tab is even remotely related to what is currently printing. Printing via OctoPrint is "asynchronous" to Cura. You can continue working with Cura, or even close it down, while OctoPrint is printing. Multiple instances of Cura could be connected to the same instance of OctoPrint.

The easiest way to do something like this would be to show a webview of PrettyGcode viewer. Unfortunately Ultimaker Cura does not come with the Qt modules to show a webview :frowning_face:
The other way would be for the plugin to download the currently printing gcode and load that as a gcode file. But that would "lock up" Cura to the point that you would have to unload the gcode before you can continue working with Cura. Also loading in a gcode file in Cura takes a long time.

Having the same problem as BRSS. after upgrading to Cura 4.8 and octoprint 1.5.2 i cannot connect using the API code .the message i get is 'octoprint is not available'.
i really dont have time to battle , so would you advise just to go back to an older version of octoprint

There's a development snapshot of the plugin linked here:

I think trying that is quicker than downgrading OctoPrint.