Ender 3 Pro octopi and pi cam v2.1 Help

I’ve seen so many people have problems with the pi cam and octopi you would think they would do a fix for it but who knows

Well my new cam came today an works so cam must of been defective after all that work lol

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Awesome. I was getting it working and then the next time I booted it wouldn’t work. So I got a new camera and a longer cable and same thing. They would work and then didn’t work. So I finally got it stable as I said above.

My fix in my environment :
-Lunch raspi-config
-Enable/disable camera Save changes
-roboot Pi
Doing so it magically brings the cam alive.
(I some time do this twice to regain the cam)

ok so this is weird i go to get back on it today to do a print and the thing aint working this has to be something with octoprint itself

I doubt it's a problem with Octoprint; the problem is somewhere between the keyboard and the chair.

Aint isn't in the Oxford dictionary of the English Language.
Long before acting like your in high school, grow a thicker skin and actually address what everyone is saying.

Yes, I know I am a jerk but after 22 years in the military, 4 years in a CZ... I despise lazy and attitude. On the web, i normally just click right and don't even bother, but this whole thread has irritated me enough to actually say something.

Hell, When I am on the Russian forums, I at least make an attempt to write in Proper Russian and when I get corrected because i make grammatical errors and sound like an uneducated 5th grader, I thank them for the corrections to my mistakes and make an attempt to fix it, not throw stones at them and continue to be an ugly-American. (google that before you prove my point)

A little bit of digging in the already posted forums have already addressed many of the issues/questions you ask. Don't be lazy and do a little research.

You just might learn a thing or two in the process instead of just accusing Octoprint as the problem when so few people are reporting your problems.

Word to the wise I’ve done that already hasn’t worked maybe use your comprehension skills instead of chiming in on something that you have nothing to offer but your cheeky comments if I wanted to go somewhere and be harassed about the way I don’t use commas and punctuation like I said I’d be in high school but I’m not I’m on a computer with a bunch of know it alls whoever have nothing to offer but there two cents on my grammar this is what’s wrong with the world they’d rather point out what’s wrong with how someone is saying something then just dealing with the problem at hand

Also so few people have you checked the forums buddy obviously not before commenting it’s a common thing your just arrogant cause you think you have all the answers

And thanks brother for your comment about going through with rasbian to get the camera stable I think that’s what I’m gonna go with cause it was working then just stopped next time I booted never to be seen again

Closing this. Don't need the drama.

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