What is the problem?
my ender 3 pro (fw 1.1.6)is not connecting to my pi the problem is with the ender it self so far i could figure out -i only managed to conect to octoprint briefly after many attempts only once -after doing a test print it suddenly lost conection What did you already try to solve it?
Connecting it to my pc (will conect to the pc -and can confirm i can control it with pronterface)
connecting it tough OTG adapter with my phone works (after i restart the printer with the cable pluged in )
to rule out a bad cable (the cable is new)
so far is i could find out the problem is at my printers end
i can confirm it will see a USB port when powered trough a cable only when the printer is powerd off
i managed to conect octoprint briefly but how i did this i have no clue Logs (octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab at a minimum, browser error console if UI issue ... no logs, no support!)
Unexpected error while reading serial port, please consult octoprint.log for details: SerialException: 'device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)' @ comm.py:_readline:2793
Please see https://faq.octoprint.org/serialerror for possible reasons of this.
Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline (Error: SerialException: 'device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)' @ comm.py:_readline:2793)"
Connection closed, closing down monitor Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible)
thank you for your concern i really appreciate it.
i tough it was weird my printer Powers on while off, now i know for certain its not normal for my printer to do so .
i am planing on upgrading the board to a skr mini v1.3 soon(i need to plan things out first) ,seeing how an ender 3 needs a arduino to flash a bootloader from what ive heard .i might as well replace the board and get more out of the printer in the future- i am gonna try your solution to see if it helps with it stoping from printing mid print -
-ive also bough a official rasbery pi 3 power adapter -to get rid of the undervaltage warning
ive done everthing short of buying a new rasberry pi - and treid atleast 4 difrent know working cables
even the one i use for my wifi adapter -
ive turns off automatic firmware reconition in octoprint and it seems to make the connection more stable
im doing a test print of something and it seems to go well so far im 2:30 in of a 3 hour print
This is an old thread, hopefully you have found a solution that worked for you. If not a couple of thoughts.
The Ender main board can get power from the octopi usb cable. i found this disconcerting. It is also possible for the two power supplies, Ender and raspberry, to fight each other. I fixed that by using a buck converter to power the raspberry.
The main problem I had was with the usb opening on the Ender case. The hole is a little small. The usb cable almost plugs in all the way, but not quite. This causes intermittent connections. I tried several cables. Some would work some times. I finally used a knife to trim back the plastic on the usb connector. That fixed my connection problem.