What is the problem?
The temps on the ender 3 Say 0c when not printing.
When it is printing it shows lives temps.
The second it stops printing the live temp stops
What did you already try to solve it?
Not much i am quite a noob
Complete Logs
, serial.log
or output on terminal tab at a minimum, browser error console if UI issue ... no logs, no support! Not log excerpts, complete logs.)
2020-08-26 04:53:01,176 - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2020-08-26 04:53:01,201 - Performing autodetection with 7 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200, /dev/ttyUSB0@250000, /dev/ttyUSB0@230400, /dev/ttyUSB0@57600, /dev/ttyUSB0@38400, /dev/ttyUSB0@19200, /dev/ttyUSB0@9600
2020-08-26 04:53:01,203 - Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200
2020-08-26 04:53:01,207 - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200
2020-08-26 04:53:01,232 - Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s
2020-08-26 04:53:01,235 - Connected to: Serial<id=0xb0a7aeb0, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=2.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor
2020-08-26 04:53:01,238 - Send: N0 M110 N0*125
2020-08-26 04:53:01,242 - Recv: ok
2020-08-26 04:53:01,247 - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational"
2020-08-26 04:53:01,253 - Send: N0 M110 N0*125
2020-08-26 04:53:01,258 - Recv: ok
2020-08-26 04:53:01,259 - Send: N1 M115*39
2020-08-26 04:53:01,303 - Recv: FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin Creality 3D SOURCE_CODE_URL:https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin PROTOCOL_VERSION:V1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Ender-3 EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff
2020-08-26 04:53:01,328 - Recv: Cap:SERIAL_XON_XOFF:0
2020-08-26 04:53:01,344 - Recv: Cap:BINARY_FILE_TRANSFER:0
2020-08-26 04:53:01,345 - Recv: Cap:EEPROM:1
2020-08-26 04:53:01,355 - Recv: Cap:VOLUMETRIC:1
2020-08-26 04:53:01,372 - Recv: Cap:AUTOREPORT_TEMP:1
2020-08-26 04:53:01,375 - Recv: Cap:PROGRESS:0
2020-08-26 04:53:01,407 - Recv: Cap:PRINT_JOB:1
2020-08-26 04:53:01,471 - Recv: Cap:AUTOLEVEL:0
2020-08-26 04:53:01,650 - Recv: Cap:Z_PROBE:0
2020-08-26 04:53:01,684 - Recv: Cap:LEVELING_DATA:0
2020-08-26 04:53:01,921 - Recv: Cap:BUILD_PERCENT:0
2020-08-26 04:53:01,994 - Recv: Cap:SOFTWARE_POWER:0
2020-08-26 04:53:02,026 - Recv: Cap:TOGGLE_LIGHTS:0
2020-08-26 04:53:02,027 - Recv: Cap:CASE_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS:0
2020-08-26 04:53:02,044 - Recv: Cap:EMERGENCY_PARSER:0
2020-08-26 04:53:02,045 - Recv: Cap:PROMPT_SUPPORT:0
2020-08-26 04:53:02,066 - Recv: Cap:AUTOREPORT_SD_STATUS:0
2020-08-26 04:53:02,070 - Recv: Cap:THERMAL_PROTECTION:1
2020-08-26 04:53:02,070 - Recv: Cap:MOTION_MODES:0
2020-08-26 04:53:02,072 - Recv: Cap:CHAMBER_TEMPERATURE:0
2020-08-26 04:53:02,082 - Recv: ok
2020-08-26 04:53:02,163 - Send: M21
2020-08-26 04:53:03,580 - Recv: echo:SD init fail
2020-08-26 04:53:03,582 - Recv: ok
2020-08-26 04:53:03,583 - Send: M155 S2
2020-08-26 04:53:03,588 - Recv: ok
2020-08-26 04:53:05,593 - Recv: TT::33.3333.33 //0.000.00 BB::27.8427.84 //0.000.00 @@::00 BB@@::00
2020-08-26 04:53:05,594 - Recv:
2020-08-26 04:53:07,593 - Recv: TT::33.2833.28 //0.000.00 BB::27.7827.78 //0.000.00 @@::00 BB@@::00
Additional information about your setup
OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible
Marlin 0.0.5
Creality ender 3
Windows 10
1.4.2 Octoprint