Ender 3 V3 SE Octoprint keine Verbindung


ich setzte mich gerade das erste mal mit Octoprint auseinander und benötige direkt Hilfe. SORRY

Octoprint selber habe ich auf einen PI 4 mit Lan im Netz. Ich kann auch ins Webinterface, aber leider bekomme ich keine Verbindung zum Drucker was kann das denn sein? Es wird kein Serieller Port gefunden. Webcam kann ich empfangen. Wäre super wenn mir dabei jemand helfen könnte.


Hello @Grawutec !

Sorry, this is an English language based forum.
A lot of supporters can't talk German.

Deleting the template and not giving the requested information do not help at all.

Besides you have a problem, OctoPrint, a Pi4 and a 3d printer we know nothing.

Please try again:

What is the problem?


What did you already try to solve it?


Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)


Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, .... as much data as possible


Translation via Google translate


I'm just getting to grips with Octoprint for the first time and need help straight away. SORRY

I have Octoprint myself on a PI 4 with Lan in the network. I can also access the web interface, but unfortunately I can't get a connection to the printer. What could that be? No serial port is found. I can receive webcam. It would be great if someone could help me with this.

You still haven't told us what 3D printer you have. Without this information it is nearly impossible for us to help you. Please also make an effort to fill out the template which provides us with even more information we can use to help you.

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