Camera model logitec C920
What is the problem? error occurred while downloading your file
What did you already try to solve it? when file is small i can download but bigger files I cant
Logs (/var/log/webcamd.log
, syslog, dmesg, ... no logs, no support)
Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ...)
Where is the systeminfo bundle or any logs? Is this related to webcams? We will need more words to sort out your problem, please properly describe the issue.
and what file are you talking about?
sorry i forgot to attach picture, when i do octolapse and then want to download the video.
I guess you got a bad connection. Normally you should be able to download that file in a few seconds.
You can check your wifi signal strength with this plugin
but in case it's something else - please upload the systeminfo bundle as @Charlie_Powell asked you to
well i do actually have one under voltage detected error but I dont know how to fix it because i have octopi connected to 230V?

this is my network, is this the problem? Do i need wefi to be closer?
It's ok - not great, not bad.
Yeah you should try solve that undervoltage issue first. It can lead to all kinds of issues such as unstable wifi.
There are several things you can do like using a sufficient power supply (no phone charger!) and taping the 5V of the printers usb cable.
We still need the systeminfo bundle.
yes thank you it works now!