How can I roll back to an earlier version after an update?

:spiral_notepad: Note

This describes the generic steps for a manual install. If you are running OctoPi please see this article instead.

Simply run

/path/to/OctoPrint/venv/bin/pip install<version>.zip

and then restart the server.

If you are tracking git commits instead of releases, you'll instead want to modify your checked out copy and install that. The following assumes you want to downgrade your OctoPrint installation setup (which you set up following the general installation instructions or one of the setup guides on the wiki) to <old_version>. Your checkout folder is at /path/to/OctoPrint.

cd /path/to/OctoPrint
source venv/bin/activate
git fetch
git checkout master
git reset --hard <old_version>
python clean
pip install .

Then restart OctoPrint.

:spiral_notepad: Note

If you did not follow the general installation instructions or any of the manual setup guides on the wiki, you might have to adjust the path to the virtual environment into which you installed OctoPrint (venv in the above steps).

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Hello, Is there a video on how to roll back to an earlier version?

I can't see a video here, so no. But it's clearly described and should be easy to follow.