Kobra 2 compatibility


I hesitate to buy the new one Anycubic Kobra 2. Before that, I would be sure that this printer is compatible with Octoprint. Does anybody have a return of experience with Octoprint and this printer ?

Yes, the Anycubic Kobra 2 is compatible with Marlin 2 firmwareยน, therefore compatible with Octoprint.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 23/06/2023
(1) How to Update Anycubic Kobra Series 3D Printer Firmware. How to Update Anycubic Kobra Series 3D Printer Firmware | ANYCUBIC 3D Printing โ€“ ANYCUBIC-US.
(2) Firmware & Software | ANYCUBIC 3D Printing โ€“ ANYCUBIC-US. Firmware & Software | ANYCUBIC 3D Printing โ€“ ANYCUBIC-US.
(3) Firmware, Software & Video Tutorials | ANYCUBIC 3D Printing. Firmware, Software & Video Tutorials | ANYCUBIC 3D Printing โ€“ ANYCUBIC-US.


well I bought Kobra 2 Pro, but fail to connect to OctoPrint. Shall I connect USB to USB? - Other than the other Anycubic printer is just has 3 normal USBs and Octoprint says "No serial device available" - in any of those 3 USBs....

WIFI is inside, but is without function, because the Anycubic App does not yes support it.

Any idea, please?

P.S: I had it working with my Anycubic Mega Pro and all workd fine.

What kind of USBs?

... well it has 3 of those lengthy ones. https://www.usbmemorydirect.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/USB3-ports.jpg

The Anycubic Mega Pro had also one "square" formal USB.

How do you guys connect the Kobra 2 Pro to PI/Octopi ?

Those are for device (like USB sticks) connection only.
Not appropriate to connect OctoPrint.

For input (connection to OctoPrint) you need the "square" (type B), mini or micro connectors.

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Does anybody have the Settings for the Kobra 2 in Octoprint?
What speeds did you use for XYZ and E?

The speeds in the OctoPrint profile are only used by OctoPrint when doing manual movements. As such the defaults are probably fine. When printing, the speeds are embedded in the gcode file by the slicer.

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Did you get manage to connect the kobra 2 to octoprint via usb cable?

My OctoPrint, running on a Raspberry Pi 4, is connected to a Kobra 2 Neo with a USB C cable.

I have the kobra 2 pro and after writing with support it has no functionality for a serial connection to pc. What I think is a bit unlucky if all other printers from the kobra 2 series are capable of this.
Thanks for the info guess i will buy a kobra 2 neo as well

I own a Kobra 2 (no Neo, no Pro, no Max, just a Kobra 2) and im using the USB-C port in the front, next to the SD-Card slot, with an USB2.0 USB-C to A cable and it is working fine. Only had some trouble in the beginning, but a Raspberry Pi restart with the printer plugged in solved everything.

I want to use octoprint with my 2 neo, but I got this

My printer is printing

are you printing from the printers sd card?

Yeah, but it should be printing status

did you connect OctoPrint mid print?

Nope, before start
I'll try rebooting computer

hello, how to connect the kobra 2 pro to the raspberry? i have only 3 usb-a ports and no usb-c or is this hidden?

how to plug my kobra2 pro to octoprint?


The way they describe the Pro on their website sounds like it's running klipper.
I can't tell for sure, but it's very likely.

And it seems like you can't access the Raspberry Pi like device in the printer to install OctoPrint.

Very anti consumer. My advice - don't buy closed source printers.


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thats shit... so no octoprint on that printer...

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