Octopi hangs mid print

What is the problem?
octopi on rasp 3 stops during print. temperatures remain at set levels and hotend does not move off print, also it can happen at anytime throughout print.
What did you already try to solve it?
ive done the easy things like replace the power supply (rasp pi one) changed the usb cable and changed end gcode (as a few stoppages happened at 99%) also reinstalled octopi a few times

Additional information about your setup #

octopi version 1.3.8
wanhao duplicator i3 mk2,
octoprint (1).log (1.5 MB)

Does this require the GPX plugin?

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Hello @wuldiba,

I found this

| Send: N31478 G1 E-1 F300*13
| Send: N31479 G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed}*102

Have you put a start code from another slicer in your actual slicer?
The placeholder {travel_speed} should have been replaced by a value pb the slicer, but your slicer can not interpret this placeholder.
What slicer do you use?

im using latest version of cura

dont think so.......its worked fine for years albeit with an earlier version of both cura and octopi

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Then use {speed_travel} instead of {travel_speed}

ill give that a bash....thank you kind sir

I knew I saw it before... :+1:

I'm thinking of doing a PR for that one. Maybe foosel won't mind if we just silently replace those with what they're supposed to be.

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No way...! This is a Cura bug. I guess I'll need to do a PR over there instead.

Update: someone already did a PR request and missed your printer's definition.