Octopi messes with TMC2209 Drivers

After changing boards on Ender 3 and Ender 5 machines to get TMC2209 chips I had a lot of trouble with steppers and drivers overheating (drivers shut down when hot resulting in layer shift). Finally discovered disconnecting RPI and printing off media has no problems whatsoever, motors stay cool, no layer shifts. It's working but I miss my Octoprint. Anyone else witness this, have a solution?

Hello @James_Roe !

This is more a issue with the firmware than with OctoPi/OctoPrint. Especially with Creality printers. We encountered hilarious issues with the firmware of that company.

Or you have some commands in the start code that changes the parameters of the steppers. Implied you use UART mode.

You may try this:

and/or running with or without a SD card in the printer.

Thanks, Edward

I had read that there are sometimes power issues. I'll give it a try.

For the record I'm not using the Creality firmware, plain vanilla Marlin 2.0.9 with BTT SKR MINI E3 V2.0 32 Bit

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A quick look says it may be working. IE, with the tape in place and the printer power off the printer display does not light up (indicating it has power from the RPi). When I turn on the printer power I am able to connect to the printer. Haven't tried a print yet (other problems) but I hope all will be well.


Jim Roe

Cutting off the 5V to the printer works. I've spent a couple of hours printing and the motors stay at room temperature. Thanks again for the tip.