Octopi UI missing "hamburger" icon

Octopi UI is missing the hamburger icon (located top right - above the wrench icon)

What did you already try to solve it?

I've tried updating octoprint and plugins. Completely restarting the installation from scratch (for octopi and plugins)
tried safe mode, restarting, rebooting, different browsers, different devices.

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Hello @M_Bern !

I assume you mean OctoPrint, not OctoPi.

Please provide a screenshot.

When the window is wide enough, there is no hamburger icon.

Hey Ewald,

Thanks, I am not overly concerned with naming convention of this program as the server is octopi.local

here is screenshot (I hope)

sizing of window does not change this icon missing

here is what it should look like

That is the Tab Overflow Menu, it's only activated when you have more tabs than what fits. Either you have not installed or have disabled extra plugins.

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We are, because OctoPi is different pair of shoes than OctoPrint:

If you installed that plugin Swapper3D and it's not showing up then there is probably something wrong with the plugin and it's not actually loading properly. Looking at the plugin on GitHub, since it's not officially registered on the repo, it requires a minimum python version of 3.7. If your version of python listed in OctoPrint's interface on the bottom left is lower than that it won't load. Otherwise, look through octoprint.log for errors or open an issue on their GitHub repo for support.