I'm new to Raspberry / Linux and hope that you can help me with my problem...
What is the problem?
I'm already using OctoPrint for a while, but now I can't get access to the web-interface.
I just see the page " The OctoPrint server is currently not running". The last time it worked was on 2020-06-08 via Telegram Plugin (see logs).
What did you already try to solve it?
I logged in to the Pi via SSH and directly via monitor and keyboard. Then I tried to verify if a process is running with the following code, but nothing happened.
ps -ef | grep -i octoprint | grep -i python
In addition to the general information you did supply, we really do need the actual log files to help. Note that everything in blue in this response is a link to additional information that will help you gather and provide what we need to help you.
Thank you very much for your reply @b-morgan!
I have now copied all required log-file and you will find them attached.
I really appreciate your help! log-files.zip (1.1 MB)
@FreeWilly, Thanks for uploading the logs. Unfortunately, I can't see what the problem is so we will have to call in @foosel as she can probably suggest how to proceed.
All I can tell you based on these logs is what we already know - the server hasn't been running since June 8th.
That "The server is currently not running" page gives you a couple of commands to run. Try those, and also try SSHing into your Pi and doing this:
sudo service octoprint stop
~/oprint/bin/octoprint serve --debug
This would try to start OctoPrint manually and in your shell (Ctrl+C to stop it again). It will hopefully print a helpful error message that allows to narrow down on what's wrong.
@FreeWilly, In the first case where you did a cd oprint/bin, you would need to type ./octoprint because the current directory is not on your path. the ./ tells Linux exactly where the file is located so it skips looking for the file on the path (echo $PATH)
In the case where you type ~/oprint/bin/octoprint, this again tells Linux exactly where the file is located.
Coming from Windows, I had a hard time with this in the beginning. After a while, you get used to it
Unfortunately, I'm still not able to help with the actual problem, but @foosel should be back to give additional guidance.
Thanks for the detailed explanation.
For the rest of the week I'll be very busy with my work, so I won't have time to "play" with OctoPi...
Next week I will test what you have just written and the get back to you.
Thanks again for you patience and your help!
Thanks again for your answers. Yes you are right @foosel, in the past I just turned off the power without proper shutdown...
I tried what you mentioned in your last message, but unfortunately it didn't work.