Octoprint on a pi4 8gb

@PrintedWeezl Thank you for this and your hard work! I've been catching up on this thread and you are awesome!
I'm new to 3d printing but fairly technical with basic knowledge of non-windows operating systems.
Flashing your 18.1 beta image right now!!

So, please let me know if I can help with testing or anything else to help drive this forward.

Thank you!

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So I’ve been using it since last night. Wow it flies. It feels so fast and I don’t know if it is a placebo effect but it certainly reboots fast.

How would I know? On 2 occasions while uninstalling plug-ins I lost response and I rebooted. Also when I tried to either restart Octoprint or the system it gave me an error message so I had to manually cut power to reboot.

It threw an error and said look at the logs which I will happily supply if anyone is interested.

But otherwise it printed a small model just fine.

This morning on 2 occasions it lost response and I decided to reboot the WiFi router. The first time when trying to download a log file. Second time because it was still printing just fine. That solved the problem so I can’t say for sure those two earlier reboots were needed.

Mostly everything works. And it works well however the following do not work:

In Dashboard plug-in:
1: CPU use
2: CPU temp
3. Disk space

In resource monitor plug-in:

  1. CPU temp - other stats work


Could just be a profile issue but for Ender 3 pro I was getting “your printer profile requires an explicit G21 code”. Added it to the gcode no difference. Tried to manually change the setting - no difference.

Changed to Ender 3 profile and it loads something but print never starts. Log says something about temporary name resolution error. Seems like the author may be updating profiles? I could reach the domain on a browser.

I installed Rpi monitor to see temps and it seems to run cooler but I need to do a long 15+ hour print to verify that. The crazy temps (76C) show up only after a long time of being always on.

I am rethinking my whole setup based on this release because I like it so much. And incidentally being my 3rd install I got my plugins right and everything is displaying as I like it. My former install had some issues with multiple plugins showing wrong layer info. This install is perfect.

Edit: So when I work the UI a little too quickly it seems to “crash” however a router reset reveals it is a WiFi or router related issue. It’s actually been very stable with a few quirks which I know will be sorted out in time.

Edit 2: Also this version handles usb/serial connections like a champ. It connects reliably and i’m printing now at 1946 gcodes/sec. No “echo busy” just smooth processing.

Any thoughts of needing to splurge on a new cable or even board to sort out communication issues are now gone.


I just finished a 20+ hour print, worked like a charm, so exciting!

Edit: On a Artillery Sidewinder X1 V4

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Hi did the mistake to buy a 8gb version of pie. would love to try beta 2 but its not available to download on dropbox can any one share an image.

I'm on it

I would test this new beta but the link is dead

I'm reuploading it right now :slight_smile:


Dropbox is really not very nice

yeah I used a throwaway account for it. might be the reason.
I created a new one - let's see how that works out.
Any suggestions for an other file hoster like dropbox?

Google Drive is a free solution of stockage.
sync.com is another solution

@Maverick_3D @Jens_Backstrom

alright new links online :slight_smile:

if it stops working again I'll try google drive

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Thank you, the link is OK, I test as soon as I have the file
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Thank you very much for your work

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Hello, after installation, the camera works, I will do tests this week for stability and operation. thanks again

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I'm here quite tech savi... made the mistake of buying 8 gig... guesss I'm ready to beta test :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

So this has been my production server to use to print parts for my Octodash setup and Pi mount case. After printing everything i made a new install of Octopi 17 to regain Octolapse (author is working on it) and Octodash (author is working on it).

Also currently Hyperpixel is working but landscape is not possible.

Resource monitor has been fixed by an update to that plugin.

Everything else has been rock solid. Also I can confirm that things running faster is not any placebo. File reads/write fly on this. Upload a file? Nearly instant. Updates or installs? Super fast.

This is the future and I’ll be setting up my test server on it and test Hyperpixel on that one.

You’ll be just fine. So far, for me at least, only Octolapse doesn’t work. That is the only thing in the built in plug in list that didn’t work for me.

Everything else is rock solid and super fast.

The other things like Octodash/octoscreen/Hyperpixel are all additions that are not in the official repository. So use the built in timelapse plugin until Octolapse is working again.

Otherwise just in my experience anyone wanting to try a faster, more responsive setup could safely run this version. I’ve done 40+ plus hours of prints on it.

Do you mean that's not working on 64bit OS? I think it's a kernel driver version issue. I remember seeing some info from this repo about it.

It took me a bit of searching to learn that my new Pi4 is a 64bit box and not 32bit like every other Pi I've had. Now that I know I have thankfully found this post. Is this the "proper" way to get Octoprint running on the Pi4 8GB? Is "OctoPi" essentially just Octoprint running on top of Raspberry Pi OS?

I'm going to try it regardless...just curious to learn more.

Yes - Octoprint is written entirely in Python, runs in Python environments and has an instance of haproxy running locally to separate the Web front end from the print processor [I think], TBH I've not looked into it too much, but that's the basic principle.. Octopi is a prebuilt image with Octoprint already installed on top of Raspbian, you could take a standard non desktop Raspbian image and install Octoprint on top, but why would you when Octopi has done most of the heavy lifting. Its great, IMHO.
The Pi4 uses different kernel files because of the chipset architecture, which are all on the /boot partition, as are all the other boot files for other Pi's original, zero, A, B etc, - the bootloader works out which type of Pi is booting from the card and loads the correct image files.

I posted over on this thread since it seemed like a more accurate place to get support...but I am curious if anyone has had an issue wiring the serial connection from the Pi4 8GB to the Prusa MK3S. In my estimation, this should work exactly like the Pi Zero did (minus power).