Pi 3 model B unable to connect to WIFI

@rblum - If you have solved the problem, please check the little resolved icon in your post that describes the solution.

After much head banging and formatting and refreshing several times. I changed the country to UK, saved then back to US saved and then added the SSID/password and within 30 seconds of reboot it was visible on my wifi router. RBpi 3 B+ with octoprint 16

OctoPi 0.16*

I was having issues getting wireless started. I read through the posts here (thanks much to all the contributors) but it turns out I had only uncommented the ssid="MySSID" and psk="MyPassword" lines in the config file, leaving the network={} out.

Hoping this helps other idiots. What finally gave it away--and this may help others--was running
$sudo wpa-supplicant -c/boot/octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt -Dwext -iwlan0
and seeing the error messages parsing the config file.

Or just follow directions more carefully...

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I created an account to say thanks you help this idiot. Ive worked in IT for 16 plus years and that # next to the } was completely missed for like an hour. Thanks again.

I need some help.
I have an rpi 3 b clone made by Kano
it is pratically identical, aside from it not having an ethernet port.
I attempted many times to run octopi on it, but it would shut down after about a minute of it running
since I have it connected to a monitor, I can constantly see what is happening on it
Since that didnt work, I decided to put octoklipperpi on it through the rpi imager
I did the usual editing of the network and camera settings on the docs on the sd using vscode (not texteditor)
and after i ran it, it doesnt display any problems
but just refuses to connect to my network.
I have checked the details a countless number of times but am still doesnt connect
on the screen it says, "You may now open a web browser on your local network and navigate to any of the following addresses to access OctoPrint
https is also available, with a self-signed certificate."
then it says some other { Ok } stuff and then says, "octopi login [ OK ]
and some other stuff after that
i did all of this work on a mac btw
can someone tell me what to do? thanks
im also pretty sure that the green light on my pi is busted

If you have a keyboard and monitor connected, please try running through the WiFi troubleshooting guide.
WiFi setup and troubleshooting

If you still have problems after running through that, please share the results of the commands mentioned in the "Other Diagnostic Commands" section of that document.