Port Forwarding

What is the problem? I am trying to setup port forwarding so I can access octopi outside of my network. When I login to my router and go to the port forwarding section, I am not certain what address's go where. I have External Host, Internal Host, External Port, and Internal Port.
My guess is the internal host will be the "Octoipi Address", and Internal Port will be 80? not sure avout the exteranl host or external port...would that be my computer?

**What did you already try to solve it?**I have not done much...this is a little out of my comfort zone.

Logs (syslog, dmesg, ... no logs, no support)

Additional information about your network (Hardware you are trying to connect to, hardware you are trying to connect from, router, access point, used operating systems, ...)

Port forwarding is not recommended!

Else you can try this:

In addition:

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Don't do it then - if you are not sure what you are doing, don't. Especially not when it comes to networking, security and the like. If you port forward your instance it will be found, and you will be extremely upset when someone sets your printer on fire and your house burns down. Yes there's thermal runaway etc. etc, maybe this is not an issue - But it is as easy as this:

  • Someone has access to your OctoPrint install
  • Installs firmware updater plugin
  • Uploads firmware that turns the heaters on to max.
  • Queue... not so happy you.

There's loads of guides to safe remote access, just a google trip away. Like this blog post:


Thank you for your feedback. I will look into Ngrok Tunnel when I get home from work.

Yeah, i'm not sure its something I want to do now considering the backdoor it leaves open. I am looking into the Spaghetti Detective and Ngrok Tunnel, plugins now. Have you tried any of those?