Predator Print Head does not go to upper position

The Print Head does not go to the upper position, after printing

The print head stays at the position where printing stopped. It does NOT go to its upper position. When I press the Home-Button in Octoprint, it goes to its upper position.

I entered the command "G28 X0 Y0" in the gcode scripts at the end of the printing, as it is already in the gcode file, which was created by "Ultimaker Cura"

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Complete Logs

octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab at a minimum, browser error console if UI issue ... no logs, no support! Not log excerpts, complete logs.)


Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible


Upload a teeny tiny gcode file so we can look at the end gcode.

Also activate the serial.log, print this tiny file and upload the serial.log along with the gcode file.

I activated serial.log, but it didn't log anything. So I have the logging of the terminal and the gcodeD_USB-Connector for fine particulates sensor - top.gcode (261.6 KB) terminal.log (6.3 KB)

I just analysed the logging of the terminal: It sends the "G28 X0 Y0" of the gcode file and then as "gcode script at the and" and again with the Z-HOME Button - only the last command was executed by the printer

I looked at the octoprint.log and found messages of octoprint.plugins.fixcbdfirmware, that several codes were changed to the code that was sent...octoprint.log (2.5 KB)

Does the printhead move to 0/0 at that point?

In your GCODE you are homing the X and Y axis.
With the Z-Home button you home the Z axis.

Send: N3441 G28 Z0*107
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You're right. I added G28 Z0 to the end script and will look, if it works

You may put the M84 to the very end of the end script preceded by a M400

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That moved the head to its upper position, but it was not locked and the head was moving down.
When I print via SD-Card, it is locked in the upper position.
Because the G28 Z0 isn't in the gcode file, the printer stops by itself, not by any command, maybe that's the reason, why it fixes the head.
I just pressed the Z-Home Button and it sent G91, G28 Z0 and G90 - will this solve the problem?

I have another question: I have an Anycubic i3 Mega S too. When I sent an G28 to this printer at the end, I fear, that it goes to its HOME ALL, destroying the print and maybe its print head.
Is it possible to have different scripts for different printers?
Btw. In the LEVEL_TEST.gcode, they only send "M104 S0", "M140 S0", "G28" and "M84". When terminating the print, somtimes the head goes down - but even when I print via SD-Card. So I dropped the M84 command and the head stays in upper position. Then I take away the prints and start an "Home All" at the printer to release the motors.