Removed a WiFi Power Plug, other power supply for the raspberry, other position of the raspberry, Tape on the 5V power pin, put magnetic filter around the cable (USB and power)
Ender 2
Marlin 1.1.8 (Github)
OctoPrint: Version 1.5.3
Raspberry Pi 3b
Firefox 85.0.2 (64-Bit)
I use the plugin Continuous Print Queue to print. For some days it prints finde without any issue. And then suddenly it stops while printing. If I look into the syslog of the pi it looks like restart. Is this the initial cause?
It could have been power issues, since the printer rebooted. It doesn't look like your Pi rebooted, though the syslog you have posted doesn't align with the time that the printer reboots.
The printer also loses its target temperatures, more evidence that it reset somehow.
Is this a regular problem? Or is it one off? It may be a firmware issue, but I would suspect more a physical issue with the power supply - you also have lots of undervoltage warnings.