Prusa Connect WebCam Feature Request

Hi all,

As anyone who uses Prusa Connect and aksi has used OctoPi you know that its easy to view a cam in OctoPi but it's not so easy in Prusa Connect. Prusa Connect requires a Token Key Registered with a 3Rd Party Web Cam site. My question is, is there a way to reverse the API stuff and make a plugin for the Web Cam (Classic or New Camera-Streaner) where we could point the strean link to Prusa Connect, and pass that token from Prusa Connect to Octo Pi some how? The way they are planning on handling the cam stuff in the future will make the cam plug n play to the printer, but that means if we use OctoPi, we either need to add a second can (if you also sometimes use Prusa Connect). Or you choose one or the other.. Right now, there is no way to easily use a cam on Prusa Connect, so a plguin like this into OctoPi would be great,.


Hello @Dardwizzle !

Please do not mix up OctoPi and OctoPrint:

I would assume that the way the camera works is it's streaming to their servers directly and the token key thing is to link your account with the camera. You would have to reverse engineer the client connection to that stream to PrusaConnect's view of it, which hopefully is secured behind authentication, etc. If the stream is natively viewable by your browser you could potentially use my webcam iframe plugin to embed that view into OctoPrint and just use the URL for accessing the stream inside PrusaConnect.

I don't have a PrusaConnect account to look, but typically you can right-click the webcam view and select inspect in the menu that pops up to see what kind of element is being used to display the stream and what the address is.