Am I correct that I MUST image a new 'image' to my Raspberry Pi 4 to use Octoprint? I have Raspberry Pi OS installed, but I'm guessing that was a waste?
BUT WAIT, there's more: My Raspberry Pi 4B has 8GB of ram. The documentation sheds uncertainty if Octoprint will work on my model.
Has anyone downloaded the current version and had it work OK out of the box, so to speak?
You probably don't want the 64 bit version of raspberry pi OS. It is beta, unsupported, and a lot of the graphics driver's do not work yet. I put octopi 0.17 on a pi 3B,. Did a sudo apt update, sudo apt full-upgrade and sudo rpi-update. After all that, pull the SD card and put it in the Pi4. Boots fine, runs great
Yes, which is what I have. To ensure the latest drivers and firmware etc are installed so it will run on the Pi4, you can install octopi 0.17 on a pi3, do a sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade
then do a shutdown, remove the sd card from the pi3 and put it in a pi4, boot it and off you go, OR, load the latest raspberry piOS on an SD card, boot up the Pi4, then follow the steps to install octoprint on top of that.