Stepper motor slipping

What is the problem?

WRITE HERE: My extruder motor slips electronically.

What did you already try to solve it?

WRITE HERE: I slowed the print speed from 50 to 15mm/s

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!) (95.0 KB)


Additional information about your setup: printing with ABS, 95C bed, 255C Nozzle, 15mm/s speed. My problem seems similar to Ender 3V2 extruder quits mid-print written by john_procida. But my extruder motor is slipping. Not slipping with the filament, it is electrically slipping. The gear, turning slowly, snaps back. The print will start out good, after 3 to 6 layers, it starts slipping. I have cleaned the nozzle six times and it does the same thing. I have no problem printing PLC. But I need to print with a stronger, higher temp material. I have checked the wiring. 38 failed prints. I don't know what to look at next. Please help.

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible


Oh, and the gear is NOT slipping on the motor shaft.

You may check the USB connection. There are resend requests and bad lines all over the place in the log.

Also look for EMI sources. (52.0 KB)

Not sure how to identify "resend" or other errors.

I am using an SD card. Still slipping. Seems like it's worse every day. Is the motor bad? Could the circuit board be sending weak signals?

I found out that the Bowden tube was not all the way down against the nozzle. I am printing now....

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