Target temperature incorrect

What is the problem?

I'm slicing Cura. 210 nozzle 60 bed first layer 70 degree. But with Octoprint, the temperature rises to 260 degrees. Then it goes down to 210 degrees. The first layer is not 70 degrees. It starts at 60 degrees.

What did you already try to solve it?

Restart, check the gcode.

Have you tried running in safe mode?

No.I am new. I don't know

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?

No.I am new. I don't know

Complete Logs

octoprint.log (881.4 KB)
serial.log (296 Bytes)

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint 1.5.3
Python 2.7.16
OctoPi 0.17.0

Ender 3 v2
Raspberry Pi 3b

I use plugins
Ekran görüntüsü 2021-01-20 112253

Hello @mryusufcan!

The blue words are links - you find more information about that topic there.

Could you also please share the serial.log - you may have to enable the serial logging before.

serial.log (296 Bytes)

Please do this:

This is most likely caused by one of your third party plugins, e.g. Filament Manager. Run in safe mode.

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Is that OK?

I am going to try.

At the very end

And please keep it this way:

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