Using ffmpeg for webcam streaming and timelapse support

I'd been wanting to add a webcam to my OctoPrint setup for a little while now, but I'm a professional sysadmin (ie, really, really lazy), and having to build and install mjpg-streamer manually just did not appeal. So I did a little reading and figured out how to set up a streaming mjpeg server using tools I already had installed on my Pi - ffmpeg.

This guide explains how I set up ffmpeg as a drop-in replacement for mjpeg-streamer. It expects a basic knowledge of Linux - how to create and edit text files, and how to run commands. If you've successfully installed OctoPrint following, then you'll be fine.

Notes about performance

This method will likely involve some transcoding, so I expect it to be more CPU-intensive than mjpg-streamer. On my Raspberry Pi 3B+ running a USB webcam (Logitech C920), ffmpeg is consuming ~20% CPU, and pushes the load average up around 0.2-0.3. I've had no problems running this setup for a few prints around 1.5-2 hours each. But on older Pis this extra load may be a problem.

On the other hand, now that I know how easy this is to get running, my next step is to look in to replacing the mjpeg stream with a low bitrate h264 stream, to take advantage of the hardware encoder on the Pi.

Getting started

This setup requires two components. First, an ffserver process is run that sets up the actual streaming server, which serves an mjpeg stream and static jpg images. Second, an ffmpeg process is launched that pulls video from the webcam and feeds it to ffserver.

:warning: We're setting up ffserver to use the same port as the default mjpg-streamer port. It's important to make sure mjpg-streamer is stopped before trying this.

Set up ffserver

The ffserver configuration file is located at /etc/ffserver.conf. Create it with these contents

# ffserver configuration for an mjpeg stream
# Adapted from
HTTPPort 8080
MaxHTTPConnections 200
MaxClients 100
MaxBandWidth 500000
CustomLog -

<Feed camera.ffm>
File /tmp/camera.ffm
FileMaxSize 5M

<Stream camera.mjpeg>
Feed camera.ffm
Format mpjpeg
# Make sure frame rate and size
# match those passed to ffmpeg
VideoFrameRate 5
VideoSize 640x480
VideoGopSize 12
VideoBitRate 4096
VideoBufferSize 4096
VideoQMin 5
VideoQMax 51
Strict -1

<Stream static-camera.jpg>
Feed camera.ffm
Format jpeg
VideoFrameRate 2
VideoSize 640x480
Strict -1

Then run the server (as a background process so we can keep using this session) with:

ffserver &

Running ffmpeg

I'm running ffmpeg to get video from the first attached webcam with this command:

ffmpeg -input_format mjpeg -video_size 640x480 -framerate 5 -i /dev/video0 -c:v copy http://localhost:8090/camera.ffm

You can check everything's working by browsing to http://<Your Pi's IP>:8080/camera.mjpeg to view the 5fps live stream.

Running automatically at startup

:warning: Again, if you've got mjpg-streamer configured to run at boot, this is the part where you make sure that's been disabled before continuing.

I set up two systemd services to automatically run ffserver and ffmpeg.

First, create /etc/systemd/system/ffserver.service with these contents. Note that the User= line specifies the user to run ffserver as. This will work fine for a default Pi install, but may need to be tuned for your setup.

Description=FFMPEG streaming server service



Second, create /etc/systemd/system/ffmpeg.service with these contents. Again, the User= line may need to be adjusted. This service adds some extra flags to ffmpeg so it won't spam the logs with all the debug info that was dumped to your console when testing it above. :wink:

Description=FFMPEG transcoder service

# -video_size and -framerate should match the settings in ffserver.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ffmpeg -input_format mjpeg -video_size 640x480 -framerate 5 -i /dev/video0 -c:v copy -nostats -loglevel panic http://localhost:8090/camera.ffm


Then reload systemd and start our new services to ensure they start up properly:

sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start ffserver.service
sudo systemctl start ffmpeg.service

If that goes well, then we can finally configure systemd to run them at startup:

sudo systemctl enable ffserver.service
sudo systemctl enable ffmpeg.service

Updating OctoPrint configuration

Navigate to the OctoPrint settings dialog. In the Webcam & Timelapse section you want these settings:

  • Stream URL: /webcam/camera.mjpeg
  • Snapshot URL: /webcam/static-camera.jpg

And shortly after I posted this, I realised ffmpeg wasn't setting the input framerate properly, leading to much higher CPU usage. :man_facepalming: I've updated the ffmpeg commandline with the right settings, and on my Pi usage has dropped from nearly 50% CPU to hovering around 20%. Still thinking about how to improve things.

Great one.
I'm looking into this right now.
Try this hint:
And pull x264 from the c920 - it has a HW encoder - 1920x1080x30 uses around 450kB/s.

I can't check this right now because I'm at work.

Yep yep. I wanted to get something working streaming mjpeg to begin with, and it made the most sense to pull mjpeg from the camera with the same settings that I was going to be sending.

It would make the most sense to me to pull h264 from the camera and then send that format, and I was planning on working on that next. But given the current CPU load I'm seeing, it's almost certain the there's some transcoding going on, and maybe pulling h264 from the camera and transcoding to mjpeg might be worth experimenting with. I'll give it a go when I have time to look at this next.

I am currently using Firefox and have run into a problem when opening the 'webcam' stream on the Pi, which doesn't affect Chrome (I think I have narrowed it down to bandwidth, as if I lower Quality or Frame Rate, I can get it to work.. But if I leave it "Default" it causes Firefox to get into a massive memory leak).

I believe this is caused by MJPEG.

I am using a Pi3 and Pi v2 camera, so could this change help someone like me with my Firefox problems?

This solution sends an MJPEG stream at the same framerate and size as the default mjpg-streamer setup. If the bandwidth of that is giving you problems, then just blindly switching to the same stream from ffmpeg won't help you.

Bugger.. I was hoping this might move over from MJPEG to a more modern streaming technology (i.e X264 or 265)...

Firefox does not seem to work well with high res, high framerate MPJEG and I am really suffering at the moment.

Read the rest of the thread. I wanted to build a drop-in replacement for mjpg-streamer. So I did. And then talked about the possibility of adapting that technique for different formats.

I like h264 because the raspberry pi has hardware codecs for it. Just haven't had the time or inclination to properly test it myself yet. If you need it though, feel free to experiment with changing the format in the ffserver.conf file and ffmpeg commandline.

The whole point of pulling x264 is not to have mjpeg. Pulling x264 and streaming it should take just a few % of CPU time and 10-20 times less bandwidth.

Not saying sending h264 is off the table, but if h264->mjpeg ends up being easier for a pi to do than the pipeline that's in place now, then that's what I'll use.

Subscribed, would like to pull h264 stream from my logic c920 that natively supports this stream.

Just dont have the background to pull this off. Linux, raspberry pi, and ocotoprint newbie.


Excellent! This seems like an improvement already, but if the x264 was working, maybe the load would be low enough to use it reliable on a zero. If you're interested, you'd reach a very large audience by getting these changes to the octopi github. As a professional sysadmin, I'm sure you'd be effective there. Guysoft's scripts are doing just what you would on the command line, but recording them and running them in a qemu environment to build the images. I'd love to see more stuff like this available.

Weird thing mjpeg streamer allready used just 3-7% on my old RPi1. It uses ~3% on my RPi3 (streaming 1920x1080x30), and about the same on my Odroid XU4. I'm also testing my cameras on a x86 Dell minipc with an i5 and I'm getting less that 1% CPU usage while streaming 3 cameras (1x c920 & 2x c930e) at once at 1920x1080x30.
This suggests there is something wrong with your config (note: I do NOT use octoPi - all above were installed manually)

To everyone waiting for x264 streaming. I'm not in any case a linux streaming video guru, but from what I've searched and read we can forget about it until OP will start using <video> html tag instead of <img> tag. After that it should be as easy as using a one liner per camera, something like:

cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0:chroma=h264:width=1920:height=1080:fps:30 --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=ts,dst=localhost:8080,name=stream,mime=video/ts}' -vvv

Too bad a little jQuery couldn't change the tag into a video...?

    return $("<video />", {html: $(this).html()});

But I guess more work would need to be done on that.

Well... it cost's me a complete evening to realise, that only the older C920's have h264/mp4 encoding. Logitech decided to drop this feature a while ago:

According to Wikipedia, there are not many Webcam's with mp4 left:

But nontheless I've found a way for me to make it work on my Raspberry Pi 4 running OctoPi 0.17.0 with OctoPrint 1.4.00: Restreamer ( Here's what I did:

  • disabled/stopped webcamd and wait till port 8080 is free, check with netstat -tulpen
    sudo service webcamd stop
    sudo systemctl disable webcamd.service
  • installed Restreamer via Docker (ARM version) on the Pi: using port 8080 (e.g.) and /dev/video0
  • installed @jneilliii's WebCamIframe-Plugin:
  • Started streaming via Restreamers Webinterface in h264 mode. If your Webcam supports native h264 you can simply use copy in the encoding options
  • changed Octoprint's Stream-URL to: http://<network-ip-of-pi>:8080/player.html
  • changed Octoprint's Snapshot-URL to:
  • Configured and started restreamers Encoding on rtmp:// accordong to the guide.

I'm at 30-40% CPU with 720p@25fps (superfast, 4MBit/s) as I can't find anything on how to use the Pi's hardware mp4 unit for this.

But maybe some of you can help me out, as there is a second ffmpeg process eating up cpu time. I think this must be something from Octoprint itself. I don't know it this also blocks Port 8080, as I've disabled mjpeg_streamer by stopping webcamd.

Edit: Both ffmpeg processes are from Restreamer. One to fetch /dev/video0 and put it to /dev/video, the second to encode the video to h264.
Edit^2: Obviously I've not waited long enough to let free up mjpeg_streamer port 8080 after stopping it.

Before that I've fidled around with ffserver (, which is not maintained anymore. I've switched to Restreamer before I came to the conclusion, that my camera is lacking h264.

All in all it's kind of a mess. Every information you find regarding v4l2 is mostly from 2014/2015 and things like ffserver are discontinued. Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankfull for the work people put into this. But maybe I'm oversaw something as I went on the wrong path...

Would be great to get your input on my unsolved issues:

  • Disabling Octoprint's ffmpeg
  • Free up port 8080
  • Employ hardware encoding on the Pi

As the hardware encoding bit has to do something with Restreamer in my setup, I've openend up an issue there: - solved Hardware encoding of the usbcam stream on the Pi. Now max 10% cpu load.
Keep in mind, restreamer always reencodes the webcam to h264, so on the settings page you only need to use "copy" to get mp4.


(As a new user I'm only allowed to put two links in a post, thus the links in parenthesis)

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Take a look at netstat -tulpen, it should point out the PID of the process that's listening on that (unprivileged) port, e.g.

$ netstat -tulpen | grep 8080
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1000       10825210   5829/./mjpg_streame
tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN      1000       10825211   5829/./mjpg_streame

This tells us that it's PID 5829 listening on 8080 on both IPv4 and IPv6. It also tells us a truncated version of the process name here, but we can also cross check the PID:

$ ps -ef | grep 5829
pi        4923  4892  0 11:49 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto 5829
pi        5829  5801  0 Feb24 ?        00:20:39 ./mjpg_streamer -o -w ./www-octopi -n -i -r 640x480 -f 10 -d /dev/video1

Hey @foosel,

thank you. Of course netstat should have come to my mind.
Oviously I've tried to fire up the docker container with restreamer while mjpeg_streamer was still running... or shutting down and the port was not free, yet.

Currently there is no process on 8080, so it should be fine. Thanks again.
And sorry, that I did not double check this before posting.


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GREAT solution, and thanks so much for sharing this. I couldn't believe I was watching a 5 fps low res jittery stream in 2020. Took me a bit to puzzle out your light instructions but I (like you I'm guessing) do this for a living so it wasn't that bad. On my Pi 4 I'm chugging along with a 1920x1080 30fps stream just a scratch to the cpus.

One odd thing though, the webcam tab video frame is quite small at least on my Octoprint page. Is that the case for you? If it was, did you by chance figure out a way to solve that? I haven't dug into code to see if there's some width and height vars I can change to display this better.

Replying to my own comment as I found a way to change the iframe size. It's in ~/.octoprint/generated/webassets/packed_plugins.js

Look for the line

I set mine to 1920 x 1080 in that line, I think the original was 588 x 33x? I forget, something low. Being javascript you can just reload your your browser tab with octoprint and it will take effect immediately.