We need to talk about funding

Just joined patreon. Can't afford a lot, but hopefully all the little bits help. :slight_smile:

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Just started sponsoring you on GitHub @foosel! I'm also feeling the money pinch at the moment, but I can certainly spare a few bucks a month for the software that runs my printers :).

Thanks for all your hard work on OctoPrint. I hope your callout gets enough people onboard to keep you working on octoprint (and eating)!


Hello Gina,
There is no reason to apologise for wanting or needing to be paid for your excellent work, everyone has to make a living.
I have already supported you this year and will gladly do so again next year if I continue to use Octoprint as before.
Please keep up the good work.

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I have never supported something this way, but it seemed obvious to me to do so given how much I use your product. I hope GitHub was your preferred method. Thank you for this great software.

You have a new GitHub sponsor!

More OSS projects need to be more open about their situations, and more folks who can afford to do so, should be encouraged to support them. I applaud everything you're doing.

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This is a no-brainer! I use OctoPrint nearly daily, especially the Docker version. Very happy to support Gina's work. I'd be lost without it!!

long time user, supporter, and promoter here. Our website always has links and appeals to support you (and other vital projects) at the bottom and I recommend anyone who can do the same. You are even welcome to use the images on your site. we-support-octoprint|690x268

@foosel maybe consider putting together a "press pack" type set of images and such we can use on our sites and social media? Lord knows my images are not great lol.

I'm a member on patreon but I'm going to also do a reoccurring donation on github now as well as a social media blast to help more. thank you so much for all your labors and don't give up!!!!!!

" financial support for my work on OctoPrint has dropped by over 30% over that same time, with most of this decline happening over the course of the past 12 months."

Please check on your (possibly ex) Patreon folks as they recently screwed up with memberships. Details: https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/3/23818598/patreon-payment-blocked-processing-declined-subscription-canceled

My payment method got declined for some creators while it worked for others (so it wasn't billing issue on my side) and I was unable to restore my membership and re-subscribe until this week.

Thank you for posting this - I am ashamed to admit that I have been using OctoPrint for about a year now and contributing hasn't crossed my mind till reading this post today. I am now happy to report that I am signed up for monthly contributions via GitHub. OctoPrint has been an incredible addition to my 3d printing & smart home journey, thank you for all that you do @foosel and all the wonderful people that have taken time to create and share all the various plugins!

I will spend as well via Paypal. I do not use it that often, but when I use it, I like it very much, as I can keep sitting in front of my PC and just send my jobs to the workshop room below. And with the camera support I can have an eye on it. Moreover I like the homeassist integration. - Soon I will try to integrate my Photon M3 Max. :slight_smile: Your great work is worth getting payed for it for those who can afford. :+1:

Hi, I just sent you $50. I have enjoyed your software, and it has been an absolute joy to use thank you! Keep up the good work. I wish there was more merchandise to buy I would gladly buy an OctoPi Plushy or something,

JeepingJohnny | Printables.com

Just sended 10 euro's not much but all things count I guess. bitte mache weiter mit den guten arbeid. Schone grusse aus die Niederlande :slight_smile:

I know finances are always hard things to bring up. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I sponsored 5 dollars a month. I know finances are tight but buy a couple less red bulls a month and sponsor an amazing project. :slight_smile:

Wanted to say thanks for the project! I've just signed up recurring at github. I would encourage you to make it more obvious you need sponshorship in the app itself as well. Don't feel bad about it! If people complain, it shows more about their stinginess and naivety.

I sell my own software as well so I know how much goes into not just what we see as an end product, but all the other stuff too.

Hi Gina, thank you so much for your work. I have sent you what is just possible via Paypal. It is not so much but I hope it helps.

Would like to spend. But Paypal does not work. When sending to paypal.me nothing happens, when searching for email "funding@octoprint.org" it cannot be found. :frowning: is there another paypal adress you have?

I've been supporting Octoprint through Patreon for several years now - it is definitely not annoying! I bumped up my membership to the next tier thanks to the message I got through Octoprint, that's a great idea to ensure that people who are using your software know that they can directly support you. I, for one, would not be annoyed to see an occasional message in the Octoprint interface feed every couple of months about supporting you if that is what is necessary to keep things going for you.

There are so many folks that benefit enormously from your efforts on this highly useful software, I hope that they rally to continue to support you!

you have a new patron ,
keep up the good work.

Luckily, Patreon account creation failed, so I went to github next... :slight_smile:

Thank you for the work in all those years! :pray:

If everybody gives just a small amount you'll be fine I think.

I've commented on a couple of Youtubers' videos, they create content all the time using Octoprint as a basis, it would be a good idea for them to put the word out and help, I'll be donating what I can afford Monday... SAVE OCTOPRINT!