We need to talk about funding

Octoprint is a must-have for me and is what makes my Creality printers a joy to use!

Thanks for letting us know that you needed the help; I'm happy to join.


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Thank you for this wonderful platform! One of the first things I did was get octoprint up and running when i started 3d printing. Helped me learn alot actually.

Definately need to add the funding options to be transparent and clear in the app itself when starting and the again later. Wasn't for me.

Have sent a little of via Github hope that helps.

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I am a user who has been using octoprint for 3 years.
However, I didn't know how difficult it was to operate. So, I am sending a donation, although it is not much. I hope it runs well... and I hope the developer doesn't have too much trouble.
Well done so far. Thank you for your continued support.
thank you

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Long time user of OctiPi now, and sponsored once via Paypal. And I can confirm that being self-employed is not a path full of roses. Been there done that, and have seen a lot of black snow. Not that I earn a lot of money now, but not having problems to pay the bills is enough to make me happy.
I certainly will sponsor again for this beautiful piece of software (and all the fine plugins that are made for it).
Maybe it's a good idea to remind us each year to sponsor again via the announcement channel?

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I have to admit that I had no idea that OctoPrint development was just one person or that it was your full time job. I have made one off payments in the past but probably not as often as I should.
Therefore I have now become a regular sponsor on GitHub.
Thank you for the software and everything you do and I really hope this sponsorship drive has the desired results to allow you to keep up the great work you obviously enjoy doing and we all continue to enjoy the benefits of.


Just wanted to thank you. I couldn't do all the cool things that I do without you.

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Sent via paypal, Great work, thanks Gina

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Great product and impressive never ending effort. Thank you for your indispensable product.

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I just also join as a sponsor (Phew, there's liberapay on the list). Great job Gina. I'm using and following this project since several years now. Then learn a lot about you thanks to your videos and other "real life" events you join. And which i forgot to register for :stuck_out_tongue:
I'm aware it's hard and difficult the way you choose. It takes a lot of courage to start a full time activity on such project like the one on which you jump in.
I hope you will keep the motivation and being full of energy to continue it. And also hope it will help other great initiative you will bring in the future.
I'm a big fan of your work, Thanks again for all !


I am happy to say, I am now a monthly contributor.
Thank you for all of your hard work and continued service. Octoprint has turned into a valuable tool in our 3D Print farm workflow.

Thank you again!


A little bit late to this party, but due to current economics, I could only provide a one-time donation. I've added it to my Google calendar to remind myself to do so again at least once a year.

Octoprint was so easy to install and simplified the transferring and printing on my 3D printer. Many kudos for such fine work!


You asked I have engaged. I am now supporting through patreon.


Gina, thanks for developing and supporting Octoprint. You just got a donation. Hope that you can keep up the good work.

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Hi Gina,

I am now getting into years of running OctoPi as a hobbyist. I have been remiss in helping to fund this incredible platform you have developed for us. I am grateful for the now years of use from my initial donation, and I am now a Patron. You deserve this, and it is not shameful to ask that we help make sure you can keep this wonderful platform alive for us.

Thank you for your work.


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I will PayPal you this year even though I haven't gotten the Printer-Opi to work together as smoothly as I see so many others doing. I know these are small things on my end and my printer has features...war
nings. I am not trying to troubleshoot it here but rather say Happy Holiday's pay some bills.

Next year I will probably use a reoccurring annual plan.

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Without hesitation I gladly donated, what I could afford, to everything you do for us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Without OctoPrint 3d-printing, for me, would be a nightmare. Your software makes it much easier for me to handle.
Never be ashamed or embarrassed to ask for donations. You are doing this out of the kindness of your heart AND you keep it going.
Thank you again!!!


Thnx for the Octoprint ! I just donated to you so Octoprint can be stayed alive! It helps me and my 3D printer so it's normal that I help you to make it work! So thank you for your hard work and hopefully all this will help u! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


Dumb question (and I'm sure it's stated above). I'm currently a Patreon supporter, and I just added a GitHub sponsorship since it nets @foosel a greater amount. If I cancel my Patreon and roll it over to GitHub, will I miss out on anything? I want to support as much as I can without missing any of the great interaction opportunities.

There are currently some things that are Patreon exclusive - not because I want them to be like that but simply because there are no APIs or such on GitHub Sponsors to do the same there:

  • special badge here on the forums
  • special colour and channel on Discord
  • stickers at the $10/month level (no address data for that on GitHub Sponsors)
  • posts on patreon and comments underneath, though I definitely try my best at cross posting everything to sponsors

Hope this helps.

As always, I want yall to decide for yourself whether you want to support me and where, and am totally fine with patreon being chosen for the perks. For me personally, yes, sponsors is best, but don't let that make the decision for you!

Hi Foosel,
I'm about to chip in.. However.. How much would you need to continue this work..? You got around 150.000 active instances.. So let's say that everyone should chip in through a yearly subscription .. €1/year, that's €150.000/year..Or in USD. Could you run the platform for that.? And then you need something for the hard work so let's say €2/year that leaves you with Β£300.000/year. Then you can have special offers for groups, companies etc. And the option for people to pay more if they want to give extra support.
This is how WhatsApp started.. :slight_smile:
Just an idea, I know it's against the Free to use.. but €2/year is such a small amount which we all should be able to pay.