Web UI shut down/restart/restart in safe mode doesn't work. I get a notice that the action was successful but nothing ever happens. This is a recent development after attempting to install a CrealityCloud plug in. I have to actually stop the service outside of a web interface, on the device connected to the printer itself.
Checked logs but not sure how to proceed.
/bin/sh: sudo: not found
2025-01-13 20:27:58,266 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
What did you already try to solve it?
Restarting system numerous times. Attempted to update software, install failed.
Have you tried running in safe mode?
Yes, installed plug-ins show up as disabled in safe mode. When I restart in regular mode, plug-ins are not showing as installed although in safe mode, they show as installed but disabled. (3rd party)
Did running in safe mode solve the problem?
Systeminfo Bundle
You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)
this is over my head.
Additional information about your setup
OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible
Your instance appears to have been installed as root? This is not the recommended approach, but I suspect you don't need sudo if OctoPrint is running as root.
If this is a docker install then the restart command should be
I have no idea. I followed a youtube video for installation a few years ago. I have no clue what a docker install is. The only thing I know is that I haven't changed any of the commands. I do know that the server commands for shut down/restart/etc. haven't changed bc I remember them being the same as they are now. I'm considering just reinstalling the whole thing but I hate to do that bc I have it set up the way I want it and I don't know if I remember how I set everything up.
Create a backup from octoprint's settings and download that to use during initial setup wizard of OctoPrint. Outside of touch screens/OctoDash or anything else that is running on the system level, OctoPrint will restore to it's current state.
No luck with removing the sudo from the commands, if that's what you meant for me to try. I did create a backup. I actually have the octo4a running on an old phone, although nothing has changed there, either.
I ended up installing a fresh octo4a and copying the server files from there. They are in this format. In any event, they work. Then I went back and restored the non-working backup, which had all my other customization and plug-ins. I replaced the server files with the working versions in the server tab. AND....I found an internal slicer plug-in which is really helpful. Would replacing "restartServer" with restartSystem restart the whole system? That area is blank, wasn't sure how to fill that in.
No, that's normal with how the octo4a system was setup. Keep in mind, the core OctoPrint team did not create octo4a, so we don't have direct knowledge of all the little bits here and there.
Not really sure on this one, because there may be limitations/restrictions for apps to restart the underlying OS.
yes, the RestartSystem does work. I'm still trying to figure out a way to schedule a print. I've installed a PrintScheduler plug-in. I'm also using a TP-Link smart plug that I can schedule to come on when I want the print to start. I'm thinking if I turn the plug on a few minutes before the print is scheduled to start...For some reason though the auto-connect on server startup doesn't seem to work.
I made both the Print Scheduler and TPLink Smartplug plugins, so pretty sure I can help. In your printer settings of OctoPrint on the serial connection tab selected for the printer's port (not auto) and set to auto-connect?
then in TPLink settings...auto connect is enabled.
then in print scheduler settings...System Command Before Each Print, replacing <IP> with the ip from TPLink settings.