Why the server offline issue is still around?

Hi, everyday I get server offline issue a few times while printing. The problem does not go away even using the latest version of Octoprint in Save mode. I searched for a solution but found many posts having the same issue every years. What is causing it? Why there is still no definite solution to nail this issue?

Do you have an ASUS router?

No, I don't.

When the message says 'server offline', it means the web browser cannot connect. This often happens when you put a laptop in sleep mode or whatever, since it cuts off internet access.

If you cannot reconnect by either pressing the button, or reloading the page, then you need to open a get help ticket providing full logs since that will explain why the server is being knocked offline.

Thank you. I connect it via a desktop computer.

About 95% of the time I cannot connect by either pressing the button or reloading the page. Is there a support email that I can send the logs to without posting to public forum?

OctoPrint is an Open Source project with one developer. This forum (or the public Discord) IS the support channel with many dedicated, helpful people who provide excellent, free support.

If you want private email support then get your wallet out and press the icon with the dollar sign in the upper right. A Four, Five, Six or more figure check might get you the support you desire.

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I think @newtooctoprint was concerned about providing personal information that may be in the log. I don't think there is anything in that log that would be divulging any information relative to you personally. But you can easily read through the file yourself in any text editor and replace anything you don't want to share with #########<removed>############ or something similar.

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I also have similar problems to the OP (@newtooctoprint) but in my experience it seems to be the underlying OS on my RPi losing connection to my WiFi router so the problem is either in Raspian (or whatever it's called these days) or OctoPi, not OctoPrint. Maybe check their support forums to see if answers have been found. I'm probably going to run a network cable across my basement from my router to my RPi to see if that solves my issue.

FWIW, one big indicator the problem on my setup is with the OS and not OctoPrint is the last time this happened to me OctoDash (which is a separate process to OctoPrint) was telling me an update was available (must have pinged the server before losing WiFi), yet I couldn't download the update until after I rebooted my RPi.

EDIT: Corrected auto-correct errors.

That's why I asked if the OP was using ASUS router. There's a setting in some of those that puts wifi into sleep mode and the pi can't reconnect for some reason. There's a post about it around here somewhere. There was also someone else that mentioned that in the wifi mega-thread.

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Still have this problem after trying several versions of Octoprint. Sometimes I got "Server Offline" several times a day. Before posting logs on public forum, what information should I remove? The IP address? What else?

In this case, is octoprint.log all you need? Is posting only the logs for today OK?

The IP addresses are usually local only (unless you have your instance on a public server somewhere, don't do that) so realistically there is no problem sharing them. We do take care to make sure that sensitive information is not logged, can't speak for all plugins but vast majority of developers are responsible.

If you really want to remove or from your logs, then by all means do so but there's nothing really identifiable. If there is something you want to remove, please replace it with *** or something else so it is obvious that you removed it.

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And to answer the other question, we need octoprint.log and ideally also some more information about your network environment - wireless or wired, distance to router, if other clients on the network show the same issue, and so on. And we need a log from a day where it happened (and ideally also the information from you when it happened) so that we can see what the server saw when it happened.

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Thanks. Enclosed is the log file for your reference. Could you please have a look?

octoprint.log (98.3 KB)

I was surprised that there was no "server offline" error the past two days as it usually happened whenever I used the printer. Sometimes a few times a day. However, it happened again today. I saved the log file after I noticed the offline error. I don't know the exact time but it should have happened between Feb 15 12:40pm and 14:06pm. The time shown in the log are 5 hours ahead of my local time.

  • It is a home wireless network.
  • Distance between router and the RPi is about 18 feet (I walked from the router to the printer. As I walked, I had the left and right foot touching and in front of each other)
  • Other clients on the network never have such issue.
  • Same issue even I reinstalled Octoprint

I've recently had this issue as well with the Pi 4 and didn't have the issue on my other older one. What I've done so far is running a kernel update to the "latest available" rather than what raspberry foundation considers stable and so far it has been performing well. There were several weird things going on with the interface where it would think it had an IP but couldn't talk to client on a different wireless band (2G vs 5G), etc. So far since the update I haven't seen any weird things yet. If you want to give it a try these are the commands I used via SSH, there could be unwanted side effects that I haven't discovered yet.

sudo rpi-update
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
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Thanks. From my log file, is there anything unusual? I am using a Pi4 4GB.

Of the two days that had no issue, I only had Octoprint connected to my desktop PC. On the 3rd day, occasionally I checked the video feed via a laptop. Could it be that the chance of getting "server offline" increases if connecting to Octoprint from more than one device? Shall keep an eye on this next time.

The log really just indicates that the pi's network connection was lost I think because it couldn't download the plugin list file.

Thanks for the suggestion with the commands to update. Have you encountered any unwanted side effects? If not, maybe I should give it a try.

Sometimes the real-time video feed shown under Control is a few seconds slower. For example, after I took out the print and closed the door of my enclosure, Control showed my hand taking out the print. It was so freaky! Could this be a related issue or a separate issue? Can the log file I submitted tell what went wrong?

I haven't seen any negative results, but I have also heard of other people that it didn't help their situation, so "results may vary" I guess.

Thanks. I will try. Does Pi 3B+ has this issue?