Why update does not work?

Hello octopi version1.5.0 I want to update 1.5.3 this but it gives me an error. The error message is: Update not started!
The update could not be started. Is it already active? Please consult octoprint.log for details.
I am also adding logs, I would be glad if you help.
My memory card appears to have 10 GB of free space on the 16GB display. Unnecessary files etc. I deleted it because of memory so that he wouldn'toctoprint (2).log (92.6 KB)

The answer is simple:

2021-03-09 16:39:42,875 - octoprint.plugins.pi_support - WARNING - This Raspberry Pi is reporting problems that might lead to bad performance or errors caused by overheating or insufficient power.
!!! UNDERVOLTAGE REPORTED !!! Make sure that the power supply and power cable are capable of supplying enough voltage and current to your Pi.

You need a better power supply for your Pi, it is currently unstable and throttling to prevent brownouts, due to a weak power supply. For your Pi, this would be ~5.1V 2.4A.

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ok i will try it 0.3A now

Typo - or serious?

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thanks change adepter temporary and solved

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