Hi Guys,
Does Octoprint work with Raspberry Pi 3B (Not +)?
I flashed the image on an SD then loaded my wifi settings, I first loaded it on my Raspberry Pi 4 and it worked fine. But I need it on my Raspberry Pi 3B, will it work on that?
I pulled out the SD from the 4 and put it into the 3B and no dice, cant SSH into it or from the browser. It doesn't come up in Angry IP Scanner either.
Thanks in advance.
It should work on the 3B. I'm not sure if the SD can be swapped between models though. Re-flash and try on the 3B first. Would also connect a monitor to see what's going on.
Ok, great. I will reflash and try again. I didnt think of that 
If you are trying to connect via wifi, remember that the P13 only uses the 2.4ghz band. The Pi4 may have been connecting at 5ghz.
Thanks guys.
I worked it out, I was using my own default wpa_supplicant.conf file when trying to load the wifi. However, Octoprint uses a custom file with a different name so the config wasn't getting picked up.
Its all good now, connected, configured and running my first print job with it!