Logging into Octoprint but nothing happens


Tried it again because of maybe a typo?

I said what I said. I have never used safe mode and I won't besides it's a terminal on my pc.

also I will try again

tried it again, it loads for half a second and then does nothing


I don't even know what that is

didn't I just say I can't login? I can't access any of that stuff

Have you tried login via SSH?

yes, it sometimes lets me in

This sounds like a bad/weak WiFi connection. Or do you use a LAN cable?

its wifi, but I am not sure about that because when it does work it's fine and does everything I need it to.

You may use the LAN cable to have a solid connection.

I could try that

it didn't change anything

I hope, the power supply has no fault.

it probably does I am just gonna buy something new and start fresh. This stuff is so annoying.

Get the bundle via ssh with

~/oprint/bin/octoprint systeminfo .

and download it with WinSCP

nah I think I am just going to give up and stop using octoprint al together

Sounds good

Have a nice day

Some people