Octoprint no longer connects if port set to AUTO

Try lowercase for the device alias. I know of no other devices which include uppercase characters in them.

Also after rebooting and during troubleshooting, the udev rule should actually create the device tree entry for you: ls -l /dev | grep lrwxrwxrwx

And yet, it's throwing an error to suggest that it can't lock the device.

Quoting myself from the github issue:

Can those of you running into this issue try if it gets solved by this plugin?


It monkey patches the serial list to remove /dev/ttyS entries from the port list again and thus should work around this issue on what seems to be most of the system that so far ran into issues.

If this works I'll push it to the repository as a workaround until I have pushed a proper solution with 1.4.1 (hopefully).

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Re-installed from scratch and I have my Pi Cam and Touchscreen installed. Everything is up to date. I have PSU Control and Port Lister installed and I no longer have any issues. I've restarted and turned the printer/Raspberry Pi on/off several times and it just works now. No idea why.

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Still waiting for feedback here, @5ft24, @kallsop, @kubik256, @Mortimus, would love to get feedback if this fixes it for y'all:

This is working on both my A8 and my Girlfriends Ender 3

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Works here too! Thank you :slight_smile:

Machine: Ender3 with SKR E3 mini
Octoprint on Intel NUC / x64 - Ubuntu 19.10 (GNU/Linux 5.3.0-42-generic x86_64)

Update: This plugin also fixed Tasmota autoconnect feature - setup 40-60s delay (for E3 mini) and it works like a charm :clap: AWESOME :+1:

It works for me, thanks.

Unfortunately it does not solve the problems I have with orange pi zero. Armbian does not create /dev/ttyS ... but there is a virtual serial connected to the USB otg present in the Orange Pi zero /dev/ttyGS0 which probably should also be ignored.

Perhaps it would be the case to create a global pattern exclusion with preset values that the user can however modify in case of need.

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If you're a coder and you wanted a quick fix you could fork the work-around plugin and make it do what you need.

Of course I can do it but I could also make Armbian not load the UsbOTG virtual serial driver.
Even more simple I can give up automatic search of the printer port connection and set it by hand on ttyUSB0.

My intent was only to report that the problem is also present with other devices and excluding only ttyS .. it may not be exhaustive.

It would also be possible to take advantage of the "Additional serial ports" field of the settings and exclude from the recognized devices those negated for example


Yeah... I did :heart: your suggestion since it's a good idea.

/dev/ttyG* is not and never was part of the port patterns :thinking:

This morning I did a test, I put g_serial in the blacklist so that ttyGS0 is not created.

First the list of tty devices is this :

pi@octopi:~$ ls /dev/tty*
tty      tty31    tty55    ttya3    ttybd    ttyd7    ttyp1    ttyqb    ttys5    ttytf    ttyv9    ttyx3    ttyyd
tty0     tty32    tty56    ttya4    ttybe    ttyd8    ttyp2    ttyqc    ttys6    ttyu0    ttyva    ttyx4    ttyye
tty1     tty33    tty57    ttya5    ttybf    ttyd9    ttyp3    ttyqd    ttys7    ttyu1    ttyvb    ttyx5    ttyyf
tty10    tty34    tty58    ttya6    ttyc0    ttyda    ttyp4    ttyqe    ttys8    ttyu2    ttyvc    ttyx6    ttyz0
tty11    tty35    tty59    ttya7    ttyc1    ttydb    ttyp5    ttyqf    ttys9    ttyu3    ttyvd    ttyx7    ttyz1
tty12    tty36    tty6     ttya8    ttyc2    ttydc    ttyp6    ttyr0    ttysa    ttyu4    ttyve    ttyx8    ttyz2
tty13    tty37    tty60    ttya9    ttyc3    ttydd    ttyp7    ttyr1    ttysb    ttyu5    ttyvf    ttyx9    ttyz3
tty14    tty38    tty61    ttyaa    ttyc4    ttyde    ttyp8    ttyr2    ttysc    ttyu6    ttyw0    ttyxa    ttyz4
tty15    tty39    tty62    ttyab    ttyc5    ttydf    ttyp9    ttyr3    ttysd    ttyu7    ttyw1    ttyxb    ttyz5
tty16    tty4     tty63    ttyac    ttyc6    ttye0    ttypa    ttyr4    ttyse    ttyu8    ttyw2    ttyxc    ttyz6
tty17    tty40    tty7     ttyad    ttyc7    ttye1    ttypb    ttyr5    ttysf    ttyu9    ttyw3    ttyxd    ttyz7
tty18    tty41    tty8     ttyae    ttyc8    ttye2    ttypc    ttyr6    ttyt0    ttyua    ttyw4    ttyxe    ttyz8
tty19    tty42    tty9     ttyaf    ttyc9    ttye3    ttypd    ttyr7    ttyt1    ttyub    ttyw5    ttyxf    ttyz9
tty2     tty43  > ttyGS0   ttyb0    ttyca    ttye4    ttype    ttyr8    ttyt2    ttyuc    ttyw6    ttyy0    ttyza
tty20    tty44    ttyS0    ttyb1    ttycb    ttye5    ttypf    ttyr9    ttyt3    ttyud    ttyw7    ttyy1    ttyzb
tty21    tty45    ttyS1    ttyb2    ttycc    ttye6    ttyq0    ttyra    ttyt4    ttyue    ttyw8    ttyy2    ttyzc
tty22    tty46    ttyS2    ttyb3    ttycd    ttye7    ttyq1    ttyrb    ttyt5    ttyuf    ttyw9    ttyy3    ttyzd
tty23    tty47    ttyS3    ttyb4    ttyce    ttye8    ttyq2    ttyrc    ttyt6    ttyv0    ttywa    ttyy4    ttyze
tty24    tty48    ttyS4    ttyb5    ttycf    ttye9    ttyq3    ttyrd    ttyt7    ttyv1    ttywb    ttyy5    ttyzf
tty25    tty49    ttyS5    ttyb6    ttyd0    ttyea    ttyq4    ttyre    ttyt8    ttyv2    ttywc    ttyy6
tty26    tty5     ttyS6    ttyb7    ttyd1    ttyeb    ttyq5    ttyrf    ttyt9    ttyv3    ttywd    ttyy7
tty27    tty50    ttyS7    ttyb8    ttyd2    ttyec    ttyq6    ttys0    ttyta    ttyv4    ttywe    ttyy8
tty28    tty51  > ttyUSB0  ttyb9    ttyd3    ttyed    ttyq7    ttys1    ttytb    ttyv5    ttywf    ttyy9
tty29    tty52    ttya0    ttyba    ttyd4    ttyee    ttyq8    ttys2    ttytc    ttyv6    ttyx0    ttyya
tty3     tty53    ttya1    ttybb    ttyd5    ttyef    ttyq9    ttys3    ttytd    ttyv7    ttyx1    ttyyb
tty30    tty54    ttya2    ttybc    ttyd6    ttyp0    ttyqa    ttys4    ttyte    ttyv8    ttyx2    ttyyc

From here we can see that the only "strange" device is ttyGS0

After blacklisting the result is:

pi@octopi:~$ ls /dev/tty*
/dev/tty    /dev/tty41    /dev/ttya0  /dev/ttyc5  /dev/ttyea  /dev/ttyqf  /dev/ttyt4  /dev/ttyv9  /dev/ttyxe
/dev/tty0   /dev/tty42    /dev/ttya1  /dev/ttyc6  /dev/ttyeb  /dev/ttyr0  /dev/ttyt5  /dev/ttyva  /dev/ttyxf
/dev/tty1   /dev/tty43    /dev/ttya2  /dev/ttyc7  /dev/ttyec  /dev/ttyr1  /dev/ttyt6  /dev/ttyvb  /dev/ttyy0
/dev/tty10  /dev/tty44    /dev/ttya3  /dev/ttyc8  /dev/ttyed  /dev/ttyr2  /dev/ttyt7  /dev/ttyvc  /dev/ttyy1
/dev/tty11  /dev/tty45    /dev/ttya4  /dev/ttyc9  /dev/ttyee  /dev/ttyr3  /dev/ttyt8  /dev/ttyvd  /dev/ttyy2
/dev/tty12  /dev/tty46    /dev/ttya5  /dev/ttyca  /dev/ttyef  /dev/ttyr4  /dev/ttyt9  /dev/ttyve  /dev/ttyy3
/dev/tty13  /dev/tty47    /dev/ttya6  /dev/ttycb  /dev/ttyp0  /dev/ttyr5  /dev/ttyta  /dev/ttyvf  /dev/ttyy4
/dev/tty14  /dev/tty48    /dev/ttya7  /dev/ttycc  /dev/ttyp1  /dev/ttyr6  /dev/ttytb  /dev/ttyw0  /dev/ttyy5
/dev/tty15  /dev/tty49    /dev/ttya8  /dev/ttycd  /dev/ttyp2  /dev/ttyr7  /dev/ttytc  /dev/ttyw1  /dev/ttyy6
/dev/tty16  /dev/tty5     /dev/ttya9  /dev/ttyce  /dev/ttyp3  /dev/ttyr8  /dev/ttytd  /dev/ttyw2  /dev/ttyy7
/dev/tty17  /dev/tty50    /dev/ttyaa  /dev/ttycf  /dev/ttyp4  /dev/ttyr9  /dev/ttyte  /dev/ttyw3  /dev/ttyy8
/dev/tty18  /dev/tty51    /dev/ttyab  /dev/ttyd0  /dev/ttyp5  /dev/ttyra  /dev/ttytf  /dev/ttyw4  /dev/ttyy9
/dev/tty19  /dev/tty52    /dev/ttyac  /dev/ttyd1  /dev/ttyp6  /dev/ttyrb  /dev/ttyu0  /dev/ttyw5  /dev/ttyya
/dev/tty2   /dev/tty53    /dev/ttyad  /dev/ttyd2  /dev/ttyp7  /dev/ttyrc  /dev/ttyu1  /dev/ttyw6  /dev/ttyyb
/dev/tty20  /dev/tty54    /dev/ttyae  /dev/ttyd3  /dev/ttyp8  /dev/ttyrd  /dev/ttyu2  /dev/ttyw7  /dev/ttyyc
/dev/tty21  /dev/tty55    /dev/ttyaf  /dev/ttyd4  /dev/ttyp9  /dev/ttyre  /dev/ttyu3  /dev/ttyw8  /dev/ttyyd
/dev/tty22  /dev/tty56    /dev/ttyb0  /dev/ttyd5  /dev/ttypa  /dev/ttyrf  /dev/ttyu4  /dev/ttyw9  /dev/ttyye
/dev/tty23  /dev/tty57    /dev/ttyb1  /dev/ttyd6  /dev/ttypb  /dev/ttys0  /dev/ttyu5  /dev/ttywa  /dev/ttyyf
/dev/tty24  /dev/tty58    /dev/ttyb2  /dev/ttyd7  /dev/ttypc  /dev/ttys1  /dev/ttyu6  /dev/ttywb  /dev/ttyz0
/dev/tty25  /dev/tty59    /dev/ttyb3  /dev/ttyd8  /dev/ttypd  /dev/ttys2  /dev/ttyu7  /dev/ttywc  /dev/ttyz1
/dev/tty26  /dev/tty6     /dev/ttyb4  /dev/ttyd9  /dev/ttype  /dev/ttys3  /dev/ttyu8  /dev/ttywd  /dev/ttyz2
/dev/tty27  /dev/tty60    /dev/ttyb5  /dev/ttyda  /dev/ttypf  /dev/ttys4  /dev/ttyu9  /dev/ttywe  /dev/ttyz3
/dev/tty28  /dev/tty61    /dev/ttyb6  /dev/ttydb  /dev/ttyq0  /dev/ttys5  /dev/ttyua  /dev/ttywf  /dev/ttyz4
/dev/tty29  /dev/tty62    /dev/ttyb7  /dev/ttydc  /dev/ttyq1  /dev/ttys6  /dev/ttyub  /dev/ttyx0  /dev/ttyz5
/dev/tty3   /dev/tty63    /dev/ttyb8  /dev/ttydd  /dev/ttyq2  /dev/ttys7  /dev/ttyuc  /dev/ttyx1  /dev/ttyz6
/dev/tty30  /dev/tty7     /dev/ttyb9  /dev/ttyde  /dev/ttyq3  /dev/ttys8  /dev/ttyud  /dev/ttyx2  /dev/ttyz7
/dev/tty31  /dev/tty8     /dev/ttyba  /dev/ttydf  /dev/ttyq4  /dev/ttys9  /dev/ttyue  /dev/ttyx3  /dev/ttyz8
/dev/tty32  /dev/tty9     /dev/ttybb  /dev/ttye0  /dev/ttyq5  /dev/ttysa  /dev/ttyuf  /dev/ttyx4  /dev/ttyz9
/dev/tty33  /dev/ttyS0    /dev/ttybc  /dev/ttye1  /dev/ttyq6  /dev/ttysb  /dev/ttyv0  /dev/ttyx5  /dev/ttyza
/dev/tty34  /dev/ttyS1    /dev/ttybd  /dev/ttye2  /dev/ttyq7  /dev/ttysc  /dev/ttyv1  /dev/ttyx6  /dev/ttyzb
/dev/tty35  /dev/ttyS2    /dev/ttybe  /dev/ttye3  /dev/ttyq8  /dev/ttysd  /dev/ttyv2  /dev/ttyx7  /dev/ttyzc
/dev/tty36  /dev/ttyS3    /dev/ttybf  /dev/ttye4  /dev/ttyq9  /dev/ttyse  /dev/ttyv3  /dev/ttyx8  /dev/ttyzd
/dev/tty37  /dev/ttyS4    /dev/ttyc0  /dev/ttye5  /dev/ttyqa  /dev/ttysf  /dev/ttyv4  /dev/ttyx9  /dev/ttyze
/dev/tty38  /dev/ttyS5    /dev/ttyc1  /dev/ttye6  /dev/ttyqb  /dev/ttyt0  /dev/ttyv5  /dev/ttyxa  /dev/ttyzf
/dev/tty39  /dev/ttyS6    /dev/ttyc2  /dev/ttye7  /dev/ttyqc  /dev/ttyt1  /dev/ttyv6  /dev/ttyxb
/dev/tty4   /dev/ttyS7    /dev/ttyc3  /dev/ttye8  /dev/ttyqd  /dev/ttyt2  /dev/ttyv7  /dev/ttyxc
/dev/tty40 >/dev/ttyUSB0  /dev/ttyc4  /dev/ttye9  /dev/ttyqe  /dev/ttyt3  /dev/ttyv8  /dev/ttyxd
e here

According to the code you posted the only match is ttyUSB0, the problem is that still fails autodetect.

Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port"
Serial port list: ['/dev/ttyUSB0', u'/dev/ttyS0', u'/dev/ttyS7', u'/dev/ttyS6', u'/dev/ttyS5', u'/dev/ttyS4', u'/dev/ttyS3', u'/dev/ttyS2', u'/dev/ttyS1']
Trying /dev/ttyUSB0
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyUSB0, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Trying /dev/ttyS0
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyS0, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Trying /dev/ttyS7
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyS7, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Trying /dev/ttyS6
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyS6, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Trying /dev/ttyS5
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyS5, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Trying /dev/ttyS4
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyS4, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Trying /dev/ttyS3
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyS3, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Trying /dev/ttyS2
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyS2, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Trying /dev/ttyS1
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyS1, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Error: Failed to autodetect serial port, please set it manually."
Failed to autodetect serial port, please set it manually.

Leaving aside ttySxx, you notice that it does not recognize ttyUSB0 as a valid port.

The usb-serial chip is the classic FT232RL and the device that manages it is always ftdi_sio.

It seems that for some reason something goes wrong in detecting what is connected to the port rather than opening the port

... and ttyS0 through 9. Which it then tries to probe. Which fails and the probing fails with your printer too (since it relies on entering programming mode which doesn't always work and which I want to nuke due to this). If it only finds one port matching the pattern it won't probe but just try its luck with that and that usually works.

I also already explained the general issue with the current implementation and that I'm aware of them here

I had already read it and I'm sorry, I'm probably still asleep and I haven't noticed the ttyS0, ttyS1 present in the long list of tty devices.

Have you confirmed with even a keyboard that the USB port you are trying to use on the pi (with the printer) is still alive?

You might guess by my questions I’m trying to establish if the ports/interface on both halves of the puzzle are working. You’ve said you’ve ruled out the cable.

I did a strange test, I modified

	baselist = baselist \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/ttyUSB*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/ttyACM*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/tty.usb*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/cu.*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/cuaU*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/ttyS*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/rfcomm*")

turning it into

	baselist = baselist \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/ttyUSB*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/ttyACM*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/tty.usb*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/cu.*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/cuaU*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/ttyZ*") \
			   + glob.glob("/dev/rfcomm*")

so I can create links on the fly between ttyZx and other devices

pi@octopi:~$ sudo ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyZ0

pi@octopi:~$ ls -la /dev/ttyZ*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Mar 25 16:59 /dev/ttyZ0 -> /dev/ttyUSB0

the result of the auto connection is:

Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port"
Serial port list: ['/dev/ttyUSB0', u'/dev/ttyZ0']
Trying /dev/ttyUSB0
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyUSB0, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Trying /dev/ttyZ0
Could not connect to or enter programming mode on /dev/ttyZ0, might not be a printer or just not allow programming mode
Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Error: Failed to autodetect serial port, please set it manually."
Failed to autodetect serial port, please set it manually.

obviously the manual connection takes place regularly on both devices.

Is not that the problem arises from the fact that there is more than one match in the baselist regardless of the fact that they are ttyS* ?

The problem is that the auto detection probe that tries to put your printer into programming mode doesn't work with your printer. If there's only one port found, that doesn't matter because if there's only one port OctoPrint takes a shortcut and just assumes that to be the printer. If there's more than one port it tries probing. That doesn't work with your printer and it thus finds no printer at all. It doesn't matter how the ports in the list are called or how many there are, if your printer can't be put into programming mode auto detection will fail if there are more than one serial ports found. That's all.

The plugin above solves the issue for many because ttyS* as a port pattern was newly added in 1.4.0 and seems to match on quite a number of machines out there where previously only one port, the printer, was found, causing new issues for them. The auto detect probing was always broken for them, it just becomes visible now. Removing the port pattern again solves it for them until a proper solution can be implemented, removing the bloody probing and replacing it with a different approach.

If you read her previous email, when it finds multiple ports it tries to enter programming mode. If there is only one port, it just tries to open a connection and does not try programming mode