OctoPrint tells me my Python environment is outdated and will soon no longer be supported, how do I upgrade?

Starting with version 1.11.0, OctoPrint comes with built-in health checks that regularly will check the health of the underlying runtime environment.

One of these checks is against the Python version that OctoPrint is running under: If it's already end-of-life or soon to be end-of-life, you'll get a health check warning.

We've seen plenty of instances that are running on now end-of-life Python versions, and as end-of-life Python versions also usually no longer are supported by third party dependencies of OctoPrint, having to support these outdated versions increases maintenance overhead severely. This is no longer sustainable and thus from now on OctoPrint will regularly update its minimum Python requirements in order to stay more within the current Python ecosystem. This has the added advantage of being able to make use of performance improvements in Python itself, as well as new language features that speed up maintenance and development.

However, updating Python is not something that OctoPrint can do itself, as it would basically have to rip the floor out beneath its own feet. Thus, this is something that you as the user need to do. In this FAQ item we provide some options to do this.

The easiest way for OctoPi & Raspberry Pi OS in general: Backup, flash a new image, restore

If you are running OctoPi or stock Raspberry Pi OS, the easiest way is probably to use OctoPrint's built-in backup tool to create a backup of all your data, plugins and configuration. Download it to your computer. Then download the latest version of OctoPi (or the OS image of your choice), flash it to a fresh SD card (you really want to do this from time to time as SD cards wear out, so this is a good timing for that), fire up OctoPrint and restore from your backup.

The hard way for OctoPi & Raspberry Pis in general: Perform a dist-upgrade and migrate the virtual environment

Instead of reflashing, Raspberry Pi OS (and thus also OctoPi) can in theory be updated in place to a newer Raspberry Pi OS version and thus also available Python version. However, that takes a long time and several steps, and things can go spectacularly wrong. This upgrade path is also not endorsed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

IF you indeed want to rather tackled this approach instead of opting for the faster backup/reflash/restore way, we urge you to make a backup regardless.

Then follow one of the tutorials available online (we are not linking one here, but recommend to do a web search for "raspberry pi dist-upgrade").

Once the OS has been upgraded and you have confirmed that a new Python version is now available, follow the "generic way for manual installs" below from step 2 onward.

The generic way for manual installs: Install a new Python version and migrate the virtual environment

In general, the recommended approach to migrating OctoPrint to a newer Python version that doesn't involve a full OS reinstall is to first make sure a newer Python version is available on the system (e.g. by installing it from the OS package manager, or by downloading it from python.org), and then using OctoPrint's venv-tool to migrate the virtual environment to this new version.

The steps are:

  1. Install a new Python version

  2. Install OctoPrint's venv-tool:

    • Linux/POSIX:

      curl -LO https://get.octoprint.org/octoprint-venv-tool && chmod +x octoprint-venv-tool
    • Windows:

      curl -LO https://get.octoprint.org/octoprint-venv-tool
  3. Stop OctoPrint.

  4. Recreate the virtual environment. Assuming OctoPrint's virtual environment is located at /path/to/your/venv and your new Python version's binary is at /path/to/python.

    • Linux/POSIX:

      octoprint-venv-tool recreate-venv /path/to/your/venv --python /path/to/python
    • Windows

      python octoprint-venv-tool recreate-venv /path/to/your/venv --python /path/to/python

    OctoPrint's venv-tool will also do its best to reinstall all plugins that you had installed as python packages into your existing virtual environment. Your data is not in the virtual environment and won't be touched by the migration.

  5. Restart OctoPrint. It should now be running under the new Python version, which you can confirm by looking at the lower left corner of the web interface.

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I'm currently running Octopi 1.0:

  • OctoPrint 1.10.3
  • Python 3.9.2
  • OctoPi* 1.0.0cam (build 2023.07.20.144556)

It currently has Python 3.9.2 installed. This version is already EOL. But when I go to OctoPrint.org - Download & Setup OctoPrint, I see that the current version is still 1.0.0.

Are there plans to update Octopi before Octoprint drops support for Python 3.9?

OctoPi is a separately maintained project, that currently has a 1.1.0rc version available that has an updated python contained within.

For the record, security support for 3.9 is still available, by current knowledge until Oct 31st 2025, and as mentioned, @guysoft is currently also in the process of RC testing the next OctoPi release that ships with Python 3.11.2.

And as far as it is in my power, I'll do my best to support even EOL python versions until easy alternatives are there.