Print failed due to thermal problem, and Recovery file started too high for adhesion to work

What is the problem?

My printer had a thermal issue, and after flipping it off (And unplugging the USB from the OctoPi) in order to shut off the alarm (I couldn't see a way to shut it off with the web interface), the RECOVERY gcode file started several layers too high, so the filament just fell off into space.

NOTE: In order to try shutting off the alarm I powered off the main power switch for the Ender 3 Max, although this didn't shut off the alarm because OctoPi was still powering it with the USB cable.

Also while trying to pre-heat for the resumed print, I hadn't turned the power back on, so trying to heat made the Ender reboot (Ender logo showed immediately replacing the info screen, and it booted again)

What did you already try to solve it?

I've had a look at the gcode, but it's really hard to eyeball it. I did have the model still untouched from the original print, and the bed had only cooled down to ~45 degrees, but the recovery file started printing too high, so it doesn't work.

Have you tried running in safe mode?

No, I have not rebooted the Pi because I didn't want to lose the running state. Now that the recovery file is saved it's probably fine, because as soon as the printer entered the error mode and disconnected, the state was cleared anyway.

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!) (67.2 KB)

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

OctoPrint 1.9.3

  • Python 3.9.2
  • OctoPi* 1.0.0 (build 2023.10.09.151442)
    Used Cura slicer to create Gcode file, this was a 3 day print and failed around day 2

I have video of the nozzle running around two mm from the print, but can’t upload here it seems.

Sounds like backpowering. I suggest using a power blocking cable when connecting the printer to your computer/Pi. There is a lot of good info on why/what and a few good methods listed in the second link as well.

I am partial to this solution :slight_smile:

For your other issue. If I understand correctly, I think your printer paused. When this happens, and you end up moving the printers motion components you could employ a script to allow it to know where it stopped and get it to start in the right place again. Think of this as the same issue when you need to change or load faliment. Powering off your printer.. I am not sure what extra hoops you will have to go though. I am not sure if reconnecting to your printer is something that is allowed while paused. If you can, it would be the same kind of issue and you can deal with it in the same way.

Thanks for the response! I hadn't even realized that the Pi would be powering the Ender, though when I switched the main power supply off and the screen stayed on, I figured that's what was happening. I'll consider the 5v tape trick, although I don't think it's causing any issues at the moment. Unless of course the thermal problem was caused by that.

This is the Thermal graph captured just after the alarm went off.

This is the video of the printer trying to print the RECOVERY file that was automatically created after the failed print.

And then trying to print the recovery file, without moving the arm at all. This was just the printer powered on, pre-heating, and then printing after loading the file. Not sure whether the model is too far up (Sliced too high), and it won't be compatible, or whether the initial Z-offset is wrong (And adjusting it will work), or whether there's something that I did that caused this.

Is generated from a PlugIn? If so which one, if not how was the file generated?

Seems that the printer maybe lost its Zero Z position. Or the Z is assumed by the recovery file.

That looks like maybe a good PID tuning could correct that.

Most likely you did not set the Z_HOMING_HEIGHT value in the Power Failure Recovery plugin. Like the instructions tell you to do when you install it.

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