I have a small issue with my octoprint, which I would like to get an fix for. I'm running three instances of Octoprint. One for Ender3 Pro, one for a CR6-SE and one for a Anycubic Chiron. All works fine and prints fine. But the on the CR6-SE the printer ends at the end of the print job, but octoprint stuck on "finishing" and never ends. I have to power off and power on the printer to get back in a good state or to cut the connection and reconnect.
This is only for the CR6. Any Idea, how to fix that?
Oh, you're talking about the Pi itself? No I don't get a message. But I'm not sure if that plugin is installed/active. I will check that. I'm running 3 octoprint instances and a cups print server as well as a zigbee2mqtt bridge on that pi. So I could imagine, that it could get hot sometimes. Maybe I should think about a better cooling solution
EDIT: The plugin is already installed. But no error message seen yet...
EDIT2: Just ordered a case with active cooling. Seems to be too much for the Pi. Thanks for that hint!