This post is a wiki node editable by every user of this forum with trust level 1 (TL1) or higher. You should be able to edit it to add your own printer compatibility information if you've participated at least a bit on this forum.
Be sure to also also check Printers known to ship with broken or unsafe firmware, or broken electronics
Tested and works
Please note: This list is not exhaustive. Just because your printer isn't listed here doesn't mean it definitely won't work, it just means nobody has yet tried and added their experiences here. So please test and update accordingly with your results to help others in the future, thanks
- tested by [neurohide], works flawlessly using RPi,stock firmware. Baudrate 250000.
ADIMLab Gantry
- tested by [peteawalk], works well so far. Using RPi 3 B+. Stock firmware. Baudrate 250000. Auto detect worked as well.
- OctoPrint version : 1.3.8
- OctoPi version : 0.15.1
Anet A6 (Stock Firmware)
- Armbian on a NanoPI NEO
- OctoPrint Version 1.3.0.post1+g1014712 (master branch)
- Autodetect of serial device did not work, /dev/ttyUSB0 works at 115200 baud
- (MarcProe)
Anet A8 (Stock Firmware)
Anet E10 (Stock Firmware) Raspi3 on USB
- Auto settings
- Working (MrKekson (Oli ) · GitHub)
Anycubic I3 MEGA
- Raspberry Pi running OctoPi @ 250000 baud rate, OctoPrint 1.4.0 (OctoPi 0.17.0 release)
- Uploaded GCode generated by Cura 4.6.1
- Tested by jandar
AnyCubic Mega Zero 2.0
OctoPi Version 0.17.0, running on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB Rev 1.2 connected via WiFi
OctoPrint Version 1.5.2
Uploading GCode sliced by Cura Slicer 4.8.0
Stock Firmware -
AnyCubic Kossel Linear Plus (Delta)
AnyCubic Chiron
- Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running OctoPi @ autoconnect baud rate, OctoPrint 1.3.12
- Connected over USB (set to auto)
- Stock firmaware
- Tested by Fede1132
- Raspberry Pi 4 B running OctoPi Buster Lite 0.17.0 @ autoconnect baud rate, OctoPrint 1.3.6, 1.3.10
- Uploaded GCode generated by Ultimaker Cura 4.2.1
- Tested by ScooterHelmet
- Stock Bibo 2 firmware version 3.0.2
- Raspberry Pi 3B+ running octopi version 0.18.0 and octoprint version 1.7.3
- using
as serial port with115200
baudrate - tested by Martin40645
- tested by whosawhatsis, Raspberry Pi under Raspian, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 250000
Creality 10S-PRO
- Running OctoPrint Version 1.3.11 on BananaPi A20 with Armbian OS;
- Connected using
as serialport, baudrate @ 115200; - Using YUV usb camera as default, thanks to pranjalv123
- Uploaded GCode generated by Cura 4.0/4.1
- tested by almakantara;
Creality 10S-PRO V2 fw 1.70.0 BL
- Running OctoPrint as OctPi Version [no idea. appears dated Q3 2019];
- Connected using
as serialport, baudrate @ 115200; - USB camera, configured per justincdotme
- Uploaded GCode generated by Cura 4.4.1
- tested by [armedleftist](ArmedLeftist · GitHub. Jan 2020
Creality Ender 2
- tested by essys. Using
as serialport, baudrate inAUTO
- tested by essys. Using
Creality Ender 3
- tested by hasanen. Using
as serialport, baudrate inAUTO
. - tested by t0b4cc0. stock firmware (= marlin 1.1.61 from creality) port and baudrate on auto
- tested by koreth. Motherboard 4.2.2 (32 bits), firmware from Creality (Marlin 2.0.1, localversion 1.3.1, with and without bltouch). Using
as serialport, baudrate. October 2020.
- tested by hasanen. Using
Creality Ender 5
- tested by fhibler in August 2019.
- Using
as serialport, baudrate inAUTO
. - Test device: Raspberry Pi 3B+ with OctoPrint 1.3.11
- Stock firmware as well as TH3D latest did work.
Creality Ender 5
- tested by geoff_s in October 2020.
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 3B+ with OctoPrint 1.4.2
- Stock Marlin firmware with BTT Mini E3 V2.0
Custom milling platform w/Xylotex - XS-3525/8S-3 motor drivers
- tested by WayneBuckhanan, Raspberry Pi running Raspbian @ 115200 baud rate
- Teensylu control board loaded with Teacup or Sprinter firmwares (both confirmed to work with the OctoPrint jog buttons and loading appropriate gcode).
- Teensylu on-board USB serial was extremely slow to be detected so applied a Teensy fix by editing "/lib/udev/rules.d/77-nm-probe-modem-capabilities.rules" to add this line:
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="04[7-9]?", GOTO="nm_modem_probe_end"
- This printer has been replaced by the DiscoEasy 200. It is mostly found in France.
- Tested with Octoprint 1.2.15 (Octopi distribution) running on an old Raspberry Pi Model B.
- The printer electronics board is a Melzi with Marlin firmware. Serial connection is 250000 Kbp/s.
- I get occasional serial disconnect when not printing.
DiamondMind v2
- tested by RuralGeekNZ. Customized Repetier firmware (0.82.2) on RAMPS v1.4 electronics. Baudrate 115200. Works flawlessly using RPi and all defaults.
Felix 2.0/3.0
- Cubieboard2 /w gentoo @ 250000 baud - tested by chron0 2013-12-18 @ Details of 3D printer setup
- tested by OutsourcedGuru
- GPX Plugin: Machine Type = Replicator 1 (Dual); Gcode Flavor = MakerBot
- config.yaml -> serial section = alwaysSendChecksum: false; baudrate: 115200
- Profile: Form Factor = rectangular; Origin = center; Heated Bed = checked; 227mm/148mm/150mm; no; 2500 (inverted), 2500 (not inverted), 200 (inverted), 300; 0.4mm, 2 extruders, 0mm/0mm
- Printing from SD card in the printer (only)
- tested by OutsourcedGuru
FlashForge Dreamer
- Tested by Mrnt on Jan 2020
- Requires FlashForge Plugin
- Does not require GPX Plugin, connect via USB using "Serial Port" setting of "Auto", "Baudrate" of "Auto"
- Currently supports printer controls and "Upload to SD" only
FlashForge Finder
- Tested by Mrnt on Jan 2020
- Requires FlashForge Plugin
- Does not require GPX Plugin, connect via USB using "Serial Port" setting of "Auto", "Baudrate" of "Auto"
- Currently supports printer controls and "Upload to SD" only
FLSUN Cube 2017 using Marlin 1.1.0
- Tested by Felipe Pulido on June 2019
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 3 with OctoPi
- Connected via USB (
), baudrate 250000
Formbot Raptor
- Tested by foenixix
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 3B
- Connected via USB
- AUTO detected
Gen-7 electronics with [Teacup firmware] (GitHub - Traumflug/Teacup_Firmware: Firmware for RepRap and other 3D printers) (regardless of printer model)
- Tested by phord using Prusa i2 printer with Raspberry Pi rev B running Raspbian.
Geeetech A10
- Tested by Bahij Mansour
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 3B+
- Connected via USB
- Baud rate: 250000 (or set to AUTO and will be automatically detected)
Geeetech A10M
- Tested by osso_maxi
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 3B+
- Connected via USB
- Baud rate: 250000 (or set to AUTO and will be automatically detected)
Geeetech A10T (GT2560 V4.0)
Version 0.18.0, running on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 8GB Rev 1.4 connected via WiFi
Octoprint Version 1.5.2 Serial USB0 250000 Baud
Uploading GCode sliced by Cura Slicer 4.8.0
Stock Firmware Marlin 1.1.8 -
Geeetech A201
- Tested by marcoa131
- Test device: Desktop FreeNAS Server
- Connected via USB
- Baud rate: AUTO
Geeetech A20M
- Tested by Mike D. (telefoon13)
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 3B+ with OctoPi v0.16 & OctoPrint V
- Connected via USB Serial Port Auto
- Baud rate: AUTO
Geeetech A30
- Tested by Chase Cromwell
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 2B+ with OctoPi
- Connected via USB
IMADE3D JellyBOX Original
- Tested by Filip G.
- IMADE3D-forked Marlin (both Marlin 1 and 2)
- IMADE3D-forked OctoPi
- For configurations, see the IMADE3D fork of OctoPi; it is all pre-configured.
- Tested by Filip G.
- IMADE3D-forked Marlin (both Marlin 1 and 2)
- IMADE3D-forked OctoPi
- For configurations, see the IMADE3D fork of OctoPi; it is all pre-configured.
JGAurora A5
- Tested by Florian Werbinek
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 3 with OctoPi
- Connected via USB (
), baudrate Auto
JGAurora Z-603S
- Tested by [DeskRabbit11]
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with OctoPi
- Connected Via USB, Serial Port Auto, Baudrate Auto
- tested by Cavelot with Octopi+PiTFT @ 115200 baudrate on Chrome, Explorer and Firefox web browsers.
- tested by mattschoenholz.
- Delta fork of Marlin running on Azteeg X3 @ 115200.
- Homing commands dont work properly on Delta - requires homing X/Y first then Z
Kuttercraft PK3
- tested by shacker2.
- Raspberry pi 3
- @ 115200 baudrate on Chrome
- Run time, 14h per day
Leapfrog Creatr
- Raspberry Pi w/ Raspbian @ 115200 baud - tested by devcollectief 2013-12-08
LulzBot AO-101 (MendelMax 1.5)
- tested by orias.
- RAMBo, Marlin.
- Raspberry Pi, Raspbian @ 115200
LulzBot Mini
- tested by gammy.
- Raspberry Pi B+ running Octopi, all connection settings set to automatic. Stock firmware, whatever that is.
LulzBot TAZ
- tested by adambyram.
- RAMBo board running Marlin
- Raspberry Pi w/ Raspbian @ 115200 baud
LulzBot TAZ 4
- tested by hippich.
- RAMBo board running Marlin
- Raspberry Pi B+ w/ Raspbian @ 115200 baud
- Mounted inside case extension -
LulzBot TAZ 6
- tested by b-morgan.
- RAMBo board running Marlin
- Raspberry Pi 3B w/ Raspbian @ 250000 baud
MakerGear M2
- Raspberry Pi w/ Raspbian @ 115200 baud - tested by ehegstrom 2013-08-03
MakerGear Prusa
- tested by jasongullickson, Raspberry Pi under Occidentalis v0.2, Marlin Firmware, RAMPS 1.4, 115200 baud.
Makibox A6
- running, but there is a problem with the "Motors off" button in OctoPrint when using a Makibox with firmware versions below 2013-06-21 (Betas and Preproduction units): The "Motors off"-button in in OctoPrint sends the g-code command 'M18' which is not supported by the old versions of the Makiboxs firmware. Instead the old Makibox firmware accepts only the g-code command 'M84' - which is used for the 'Motors off' button in pronterface etc. - for doing the 'Motors off' stuff. Workaround: Update your MakiBox-firmware or manually add an additional "Motors off" button (see description in section) and connect it with the g-code command 'M84'.
- tested by hp-bioing and justM4D.
- tested by Learn3DP, Raspberry Pi under Raspian, Marlin Firmware on a Melzi board with baudrate set to AUTO (250000), through the chrome web browser on an iPad Mini
MendelMax 3
- Using RAMBO, MarlinKimbra firmware and Raspberry Pi 2 @250000. Dual extruders. No problems.
- tested by [phizz166]
Mondrian and Foldarap with marlin Software and Minitronics
- tested by urruck, Raspberry Pi 2, Marlin firmware with baudrate auto. Windows, Ubuntu, all works Fine with Raspicam
- Tested by [naschorr] (naschorr (Nick Schorr) · GitHub) using OctoPrint 1.3.0 (OctoPi version) on a Raspberry Pi B+ at 115200 baud
- The printer itself is running the stock Maker Select firmware (Repetier based?)
- Tested by Jedashford using OctoPrint 1.3.2 running raspberry pi B+
- Serial connection is 115200 baud (wouldn't work on 250000)
- Tested by revolutionlabs using OctoPrint 1.2.16 running on Ubuntu Xenial (16.04.1 LTS) hosted by a Acer Aspire AR1600 mini PC
- Serial connection is 250000 Kbp/s
- Uses Marlin firmware
- Tested by [Ulmeck] (ulmeck · GitHub)
- Serial connection is 250000 Kbp/s
- Closed hardware and firmware, but Marlin compatible (mostly)
ORD Bot Hadron
- tested by korpx, Raspberry Pi under Raspbian, Marlin firmware on RAMPS 1.4 with baudrate of 115200.
- tested by bwevans, Raspberry Pi under Occidentalis, Brainwave 1.0 controller running Marlin firmware with baudrate of 115200
- Raspberry Pi under Raspian, Marlin Firmware (custom) with baudrate of 250000 (auto). Webcam is working after a bit of work. (Tested at Dallas Makerspace by wpetefish and digitalw00t)
- tested by heri16, OUYA game console with stock Android 4.1 OS (3.1.10 kernel) running virtualized Ubuntu 12.04 (, Marlin firmware with baudrate of 250000 (auto).
PowerSpec Ultra 3D
- Tested by Mrnt on Jan 2020
- Requires FlashForge Plugin
- Does not require GPX Plugin, connect via USB using "Serial Port" setting of "Auto", "Baudrate" of "Auto"
- Currently supports printer controls and "Upload to SD" only
PrintrBot Plus Metal (Model 1504)
- tested by Pghpunkid, Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Under OctoPi. Printer has stock firmware.
Printrbot Jr
- tested by andrewdupuis, Raspberry Pi under Raspian w/Octopi, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 250000
Printrbot LC
- tested by lthomas987, Raspberry Pi under Raspian, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 56700
Printrbot LCv2
- tested by bstag, BeagleBone Black under Ubuntu, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 250000
Printrbot Simple (Beta/Final)
- tested by the-kenny, Raspberry Pi under Raspbian, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 250000
Printrbot Simple Metal
- tested by tenaciousRas
- RAMPS 1.4, Marlin/Atlantic (Terawatt fork of Marlin)
- Raspberry Pi, Raspbian @ 115200
Prusa i2
Prusa i3
- tested by KenKnapp, Debian unstable accessing a RUMBA running Marlin v1.0 with baudrate of 115200.
- tested by xoan, Arch Linux accesing a Gen7 v1.5 running Teacup Firmware with baudrate of 115200
- tested by bambinz, Raspberry pi under Raspian, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 115200
- tested by rhbourbonnais, Raspberry pi, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 250000
- tested by koldoartola, Raspberry Pi under Octopi (2014-01-07-wheezy-octopi-0.8.0), Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 115200.
- tested by sanchosk, Nexx WT3020 under OpenWRT, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 115200.
- tested by carel, Gentoo (x86) running OctoPrint, Marlin Firmware with auto baudrate (Repetier GCode is fine, CuraEngine is not operating Properly).
original Prusa i3 MK3S_MMU2S Firmware 3.7.0/1.0.5 (April 2019):
- tested by kgolger, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3, Raspbian GNU/Linux VERSION=9 (stretch) under octopi 0.15.1,
octoprint 1.3.10, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 115200 or AUTO, 7" Waveshare LCD Touchscreen, 1 Raspicam 8Mp V2.0
and 2 USB cams ELP 1080P 2MP 30fps JPEG 1920 x 1080 Full HD, BQLZR 433Mhz RF Wireless Transmitters controlling Raspi
GPIO pins,
Action Command Prompt,
Cancel Objects,
CuraEngine (<=15.04),
Filament Manager,
PSU Control,
PrintTimeGenius Plugin,
Prusa Mesh Leveling (excellent and very helpfull plugin),
System Command Editor,
- tested by kgolger, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3, Raspbian GNU/Linux VERSION=9 (stretch) under octopi 0.15.1,
RAMPS electronics with Marlin firmware (regardless of printer model)
- Works fine with Octoprint. Recommended 250000 baud (Marlin default) may be troublesome depending on OctoPrint host hardware and software combination, step down to 115200 baud if in doubt (see this wiki page). Tested by imitation, AndrewBCN.
RAMPS electronics with [Teacup firmware] (GitHub - Traumflug/Teacup_Firmware: Firmware for RepRap and other 3D printers) (regardless of printer model)
- Tested by phord using Fusebox CoreXY with Pine64+ 2GB running Debian.
- tested by easytarget with Octopi @115200 baudrate running on Model 3.
- tested by r0oland with Octopi @250000 baudrate running on Model B+ and using Chrome
RepRap Micro delta
- tested by olivier with a raspberry pi model B (just need to add port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Teensyduino_USB_Serial_12345-if00 in the serial section of config.yaml)
RepRapBCN 3d+
- tested by jbarberillo, Raspberry Pi under Raspian, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 250000
RepRapPro Huxley
- tested by splitbrain, Raspberry Pi under Raspian, Sprinter Firmware with baudrate of 115200
- tested by syvic, Raspberry Pi under Raspian, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 115200
RepRapPro Mendel
- tested by plex3r, Raspberry Pi under Raspian, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 115200, make sure reset jumper is not still in place on electronics
- tested by plex3r, Raspberry Pi under Raspian, Marlin Firmware with baudrate of 115200, make sure reset jumper is not still in place on electronics
- tested by Wildvuur, works on Raspberry Pi with Octopi, stock firmware is Marlin @ 115200 baudrate. Here is a nice wiki for RigidBot. RigidBot is funded on kickstarter
- Tested by Erutan409
- Serial connection 250000 baud
- Marlin firmware
- Wikipedia reference
- Tested by OutsourcedGuru
- Serial connection 115200 baud
- Robo-forked Marlin firmware
- Robo-forked OctoPi
- Works with native OctoPi (minus TFT support)
- Tested by OutsourcedGuru
- Serial connection 115200 baud
- Robo-forked Marlin firmware
- Robo-forked OctoPi
- Works with native OctoPi (minus TFT support)
- tested by daftscience. Raspberry Pi with Raspian, Repetier Firmare on a RAMBo 1.0 board. Used a baudrate of 57600.
- tested my mhackney. Raspberry Pi with Raspian, Repetier Firmware on a RAMBo 1.1 board. Wifi setup on Raspberry Pi.Connect to printer at 230400 baud.
- tested by matobago, BeagleBone Black on Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.12.1-bone8-00067-g87e8a8a armv7l), Marlin Firmware in RUMBA with baudrate of 230400
- tested by yuyuyak
- RAMPS 1.4, Repetier firmware
- Pogoplug Mobile/Funtoo, everything the cheapest Chinese, works great
- I like pie after a movie, but the PP Mobile is $7, does it all, no issues w/setup
- tested by arthurwolf
- Smoothieboard, Smoothie firmware
- EEEPC, Lubuntu @ Doesn't matter, USB/ACM, USB is the limit
[Snapmaker Original 3-in-1 3D Printer[(Snapmaker 3-in-1 3D Printer)
- tested by {marothstein}[marothstein (Matt Rothstein) · GitHub]
- Octoprint Version: Version 1.4.0 (OctoPi)
Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with camera module v2
[also 640x480 webcam and 10mm inspection camera+light work over USB on RPi3B+] -
Octoprint Settings:
- Serial Port: /dev/ttyUSB0
- Baud Rate: 115200
Printer Settings:
- X / Y / Z Dimensions: 125mm
- Heated Bed: true
- Form Factor: Rectangular
- Axes: Default numbers
- Hotend and Extruder: 0.4mm, 1 extruder
Solidoodle 2
- tested by pesce Raspberry Pi under Raspbian, Marlin firmware with baudrate of auto
- tested by ymilord - UDOO Dual running Debian, Printrboard /w Marlin Firmware. In conjunction with Blink1 (to control the LEDs in the printer) and a SSR to provide a E-Stop and remote power-up & shutdown. Both controllable via Octoprint WebGUI.
- didn't work for me if I selected the baudrate
Solidoodle 3
- Tested by glenn
- Stock marlin firmware.
- Lubuntu 14.04 on an old lapbook.
Solidoodle 4
- Tested by veive
- Stock marlin firmware.
- Debian Wheezy x32 on an old netbook.
- Tested by veive
Solidoodle Press
- Tested by ymilord - Marlin Firmware @ 250000 with Z-Offset/Bed leveling Enabled
Spiderbot V1.x with Dual Head
- Tested by M-square, march-2015. Full Octoprint kit of 31-JAN-2015 on standard Raspberry Pi with cameramodule. Via USB (set to 250000 on port ttyUSB0) to Megatronics V3 running Reptier 0.92(sub version for Spiderbots special dual head). WiFi or cable both OK.
- tested by pokey9000. Tantillus (printed) with Sanguinololu running Marlin on 1284P, RasPi / Raspian (also tested w/ Allwinner A10 based "MK802" and Debian). 250000 baud works but only if autobaud is used.
Tevo Tarantula
- Tested by TheAssassin
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 1 B with OctoPi
- Connected via USB (
), baudrate 250000 - Printer firmware:
- Used for tests: Marlin (Customized version based on GitHub - JimBrown/MarlinTarantula: Optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Configured for Tevo Tarantula)
- Did not test stock firmware, as some steppers were turning in the wrong direction, so I had to flash Marlin to get it to print at all
- Printer mainboard: stock (ATmega2560)
- Wikipedia reference
- OctoPrint Version: 1.3.4
- OctoPi Version: 0.14.0 (
) - User experience: works fine, except for being a bit laggy
Tevo Tornado
- Tested by Skystriker
- Test device: Raspberry Pi 1 B with OctoPi
- Connected via USB, baudrate 150200, dwc_otg.speed=1 has be inserted into /boot/cmdline.txt
- Printer firmware:
- Used for tests: Marlin (Customized version)
- Stock firmware does NOT work with Octoprint
- Printer mainboard: stock (RAMPS 1.4)
- Wikipedia reference
- OctoPrint Version: 1.3.6
- User experience: works fine, compatible with Plugins
- tested by manticorp with all standard settings on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B+ using Chrome
- tested by RootBSD
- OctoPi Version: 0.16.0
- Connected via USB, baudrate 250000
- tested by DerKnerd
- OctoPi Version: 0.17.0
- Connected via USB, baudrate 115200
- Stock firmware
- Tested by dookie2000ca
- Serial Connection: 250000
- Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.0
- Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi 1.15e
- OctoPrint Version: 1.3.2
- OctoPi Version: 0.14.0 Beta
- tested by foosel, Raspberry Pi under Raspbian, Marlin firmware with baudrate of 115200.
tested by ram00n, OctoPi, default firmware (Marlin?) with baudrate of 250000 and RaspiCam (Januar 12, 2014)
tested by rneurink, Baudrade 250000, RaspiCam.
Using the stock firmware. The firmware needs to be edited if you want to be able to select sd files via the printer menu. The edited firmware can be found here
Velleman K8200
- tested by magu, Raspberry Pi under Raspbian, stock Marlin firmware with baudrate of 250000 out of the box.
Velleman K8800 (aka Vertex Delta)
- tested by [NilsD88] (NilsD88 (NilsDevos) · GitHub)
- Connection over USB
- Baudrate set to 500000 (Needs to be added in Settings > Additional Baudrate)
- All the rest out of the box.
Wanhao Duplicator 10
- OctoPrint 1.3.8 and newer (OctoPi 0.15.1 on RPi 3B+)
- Connected over USB (set to auto)
- Stock firmware (Marlin 1.1.8)
- Tested by doasfan
Needs a plugin to work
Flashforge / Dremel: proprietary protocol and connection, please test with FlashForge Plugin, please complain to Flashforge or Dremel
Makerbot up to Replicator 2 & Clones (e.g. Flashforge Creator, ...): needs the GPX Plugin
Tested and definitely do not work
Afinia H series: proprietary protocol and connection, nothing to be done, please complain to Afinia
- Makerbot Gen 5: proprietary protocol, nothing to be done, please complain to Makerbot
- earlier versions: see the GPX plugin