Prints randomly stopping; New problem

Hi All,

Newbie here. Greatly appreciate your advice.

All of a sudden, my printer transiently on prints (3 good. 2 bad, 5 good, 1 bad, ...) and randomly quits.

System info;

browser.user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36
connectivity.connection_ok: true
connectivity.enabled: true true
connectivity.resolution_ok: true
env.hardware.cores: 4
env.hardware.freq: 1400
env.hardware.ram: 915718144
env.os.bits: 32 linux
env.os.platform: linux2
env.plugins.pi_support.model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3
env.plugins.pi_support.octopi_version: 0.17.0
env.plugins.pi_support.throttle_state: 0x50000
env.python.pip: 19.3.1
env.python.version: 2.7.16
env.python.virtualenv: true
octoprint.safe_mode: false
octoprint.version: 1.5.2
printer.firmware: Marlin Creality 3D

Here is the error I am getting in terminal;

Send: N2432 G1 F1200 X81.113 Y98.649 E195.3397150
Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.
Send: N2433 M105
Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.
Send: N2434 M10522
Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.
Send: N2435 M105
Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.
Send: N2436 M10520
Communication timeout while printing, trying to trigger response from printer. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.
Send: N2437 M105
No response from printer after 6 consecutive communication timeouts, considering it dead. Configure long running commands or increase communication timeout if that happens regularly on specific commands or long moves.
Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Offline (Error: Too many consecutive timeouts, printer still connected and alive?)"
Connection closed, closing down monitor

When I reboot everything, sometimes it works.

Thanks again in advance

Can you share the logs asl you have been asked before you deleted the template that had been there when you opened this thread.

Also try in safe mode.
For you have a Crealty printer: try with/without DC card in the printer.

octoprint.log (251.3 KB)


!!! UNDERVOLTAGE REPORTED !!! Make sure that the power supply and power cable are capable of supplying enough voltage and current to your Pi.

Your Pi is not getting enough power. Fix this first, it might solve your problem.