Raspberry Pi HQ Camera

the video I posted first was removed - here's another one

And it's out of stock everywhere

Fingers crossed for new modules coming soon :slight_smile:

Does it have octoprint have modules for the raspberry pi hq camera now?

What do you mean?
Octoprint doesn't need any special modules for the camera

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Okey but does it work with octopi ? I hsve tried to connect the raspberry pi hq camera but it does not work

I get the video from octoprint like this https://imgur.com/a/kxqP8Km

Looks like you don't have a lens on it. or if you do, you have the lens adapter on the wrong lens, or not on the proper lens. As far as what Raspbian/Octopi see's it is identical to the original Raspberry pi cameras.

I have the same problem with octoprint and the HQ camera. If I boot into Raspberry Pi OS I get a normal HD picture in color so I suspect a compatibility issue.

I guess you mean octopi.
Try sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade and reboot the pi afterwards.
If it still doesn't work try sudo rpi-update and reboot.

OK, Thanks. I also found this thread which suggests what you do: