Username/password reset

What is the problem?


Reading multiple threads onhere


Sorry, but I don't have or don't know how to find most of the detail you've asked for initially. and I can't do your system info bundle because I can't get in to Octoprint in the first place. If I could I wouldn't be needing to ask for help.
My problem is this: I installed Octoprint on a Raspberry Pi 3b+ in Feb 2022 to operate at Creality CR20pro.
It has all worked faultlessly until this morning, when it won't let me log in without entering username and p/word. I don't know my username or password because I have never needed to re-enter them since I first fired up the system.

I have tried reading various threads but I get completely lost with all of the techy jargon which means nothing to me I'm afraid.
Is there a simple way to access stuff or do I just need to dump everything and buy new ( which I can't afford)?

This is the Post you want...

This maybe more palatable but also may be for the version of Octoprint you have installed.

Good luck

Thank you for your reply. I do understand that you are trying to help but I'm afraid that I have already seen the item you linked to and therein is a my problem.
SSHing and terminal windows and sudo, etc are way beyond my understanding. I've tried to understand it but it may as well be in Chinese ( possibly is? :slight_smile: )

I can drive a car and change the wheels and wiper blades but I have no clue how to fix it if it really goes wrong. To continue the analogy, for me, Octoprint is a fantastic tool to help with my 3D printing, which it has done for almost 3 years, but I don't have a degree in computing to be able to fix it, any more than I am a qualified car mechanic.

Thanks again anyway.

There are two sets of "username / password" credentials. The first is for OctoPi (i.e. the Raspberry Pi OS) and the second is for OctoPrint (i.e. the web interface).

Assuming you originally installed OctoPi on your RPi 3b+ and you have forgotten the OctoPi credentials, then you probably need to use the last option in this topic. This assumes that you did not change the username from the default of "pi".

Once you have reset the OctoPi password (assuming the username is still "pi"), you can then proceed to reset the OctoPrint password using the link @jcassel posted.

Some very basic knowledge is required for the "care and feeding" of a Raspberry Pi. Either connect a USB keyboard and an HDMI monitor (the RPi 3B+ has a full size HDMI connector) or use SSH to connect. Google for "how to ssh into raspberry pi" for some help. Either this link or this link should be helpful

Let us know the details of your main system (i.e. make / model / OS / version numbers) and some details on your local network (i.e. how are the RPi and your main system connected?) including details for your router. With this information, we can provide better help to get you started.

If all else fails and assuming you have the ability to write a micro SD card on your main computer (let us know), you can start over from scratch by downloading and installing a new OctoPi image.